s with the Year-7 campaign due to an inaccurate date displayed on the Memphis Stele. This version also assumes that the first campaign on the Karnak Stele, the campaigns described on the Elephantine and Amada Stelae, and the first campaign on the Memphis Stele, all refer to the same event. However, it purports that the Amada and Elephantine Stelae correctly date the “first victorious campaign” to Year 3, while the Memphis Stele displays a wrongly-reconstructed date etched onto it by a 19th Dynasty stelae-restoration crew that attempted to repair the damage it suffered during the Amarna Age. Vandersleyen observes that “the Memphis date is on the part of the memorial that was seriously damaged in the Amarna Age; the date that we read today is the result of Rameside restoration.”100 He concludes, “Thus the initial date of Year 7 on the Memphis Stele is a[n inaccurate] restoration made by the Ramesides.”101f. Conclusion for the Number of Asiatic Campaigns.Both variations of the three-campaign theory proved to be weak and indefensible. Vandersleyen perceptively notes, “The simplest and most logical solution is that there was only one ‘first campaign,’ . . . more plausibly in Year 3 than in Year 7.”102 Therefore, based on the strong likelihood of a singular error on the Memphis Stele—due to inaccurate restoration by Ramesside craftsmen—as the best explanation to harmonize the conflicting evidence on the stelae, the two-campaign theory is preferred. The Elephantine Stele, whose events are set in Takhsi,103 even provides a terminus ad quem for the first campaign, as line 26 dates the stele to Year 4. “It is only reasonable to conclude that the events including the Takhsi campaign recounted in the text before this postscript are earlier than Year 4. Thus there is no reason to deny the clear implication of the text that the expedition against Takhsi transpired before [the end of] Year 3.”104 Also supporting the view that the Memphis Stele’s first campaign was waged in Year 3, and not in Year 7, is the evidence from Amenhotep II’s cupbearer. During Year 4, the cupbearer Minmès remarks that a stele was built for pharaoh in Naharin, located to the east of the Euphrates River, the inscription of which confirms that the first Asiatic campaign occurred before Year 4 ended.1054. The First Asiatic Campaign of Amenhotep II.For the sake of brevity, Amenhotep II’s first campaign will be referred to as A1, while his second campaign will be called A2. As was proven already, he launched A1 in Year 3, and the events surrounding this campaign can be dated chronologically in the following sequence: (1) Thutmose III died on ca. 22 March 1452 BC; (2) Amenhotep II presided over the funeral and was confirmed as sole ruler; (3) the Syro-Palestinian city-states rebelled after hearing of Thutmose III’s death; (4) Amenhotep II assembled his army from throughout Egypt and the nearby garrisoned cities; and (5) Amenhotep II launched A1, arriving at his first destination on ca. 15 May 1452 BC.The death of Thutmose III led to a massive revolt in his Syro-Palestinian territories, which propelled the launching of A1.106 Amenhotep II officiated at his father’s funeral as the “new Horus,” as Thutmose III was buried on the west bank of the Nile River at Waset, in his elevated, cliff-cut “mansion of eternity.”107 His presence at the funeral, combined with the nearly two-month gap between his father’s death and the army’s arrival at their first destination, dispels the notion that he was already engaged in A1 when his father died. The energetic son of Egypt’s greatest imperialist wasted no time, as he probably left Egypt in April of ca. 1452 BC, just as his father had done on his first Asiatic campaign, exactly 32 years prior. The undisputed epicenter of the rebellion was the coastal cities of Syria, the focal point of the discussion in The Annals of Amenhotep II. Undoubtedly, the coastal cities of Syria—and perhaps Palestine, as well—had rebelled, and hence the young pharaoh was forced to proceed by land in order to quell this revolt.1085. The Second Asiatic Campaign of Amenhotep II.Amenhotep II indisputably launched A2 in Year 9. If his reign began in ca. 1455 BC, which harmonizes with the Ebers Papyrus and the regnal lengths of the intervening pharaohs, his ninth year lasted from ca. 22 November 1447 – 22 November 1446 BC. Therefore, the exodus date of ca. 25 April 1446 BC should be placed within this particular regnal year, unless the Year-9 reading on the Memphis Stele is ever proven to be an inaccurate reconstruction also. Ancient sources and modern commentators both expend far less energy writing about A2 than they do about A1. Clearly A1 was launched to squelch a rebellion, but why did Amenhotep II embark on a second trip into Asia six years later? Two principal theories have been proposed to identify the occasion.a. The Second Asiatic Campaign Launched to Finish the Task of the First Campaign.The first theory for the motive of A2 is that it was launched to correct the shortcomings of A1.
According to Aharoni,The failure of the first campaign
may be inferred by Amenhotep II’s setting out two years later on a second campaign in order to put down revolts in the Sharon and in the Jezreel Valley.”109 Aharoni sees in A1 an excursion that never accomplished its primary mission: the conquest of Mitanni. Grimal concurs, noting that “these two campaigns were the last to pit Egypt against Mitanni.”110The first problem with this view is its dependence on the three-campaign theory, since Aharoni assumes that a Year-7 campaign was fought two years prior to the Year-9 campaign. However, there was no Year-7 campaign, as the “first campaign” of the Memphis Stele actually occurred in Year 3. Given the six-year gap between the two campaigns, the theory that A2 was launched to rectify the failures of A1 crumbles from within, due to the longevity of the interval. Of even greater weight, the failure of A1 would have resulted in another campaign directed principally into Syria, if not into Mitannian territory further to the north, not simply a brief raid into southern Palestine that accomplished little more than the acquisition of slaves and booty.b. The Second Asiatic Campaign Launched to Replenish Egypt after Their Losses.The second theory for the motive of A2 is that it was launched to replenish the Egyptian slave base and many of the valuable commodities that were lost when the Israelites plundered and fled Egypt. According to this theory, pharaoh’s motive is related to the exodus. If the exodus and Amenhotep II’s Year-9 campaign transpired in the same year, which is highly possible given the chronological harmonization demonstrated earlier, a brief campaign into southern Palestine to recover some of his critical losses would be both logical and expected. The feasibility of this theory will be determined by a study of the details related to A2.6. The Unique, Pre-Winter Launching of the Second Asiatic Campaign.The date of Year 9, Month 3, Season 1, Day 25 (or ca. 16 November 1446 BC) recorded on the Memphis Stele representRosetta Stone Chinese
extbook on the history of Israel and Judah, Miller and Hayes state: The Sodom and Gomorrah story reflects yet another motif pattern known from extrabi
ly Bronze sherds indicative of a settlement site (1974: 911). Unfortunately, in the years following their survey, homes have been constructed on the site and "subsequent visits have been unable to confirm the presence of a[n Early Bronze Age] town site" (Schaub 1992: 895). Less than a month of excavation was carried out at Feifa and Khanazir, 16 December 1989–13 January 1990. An enormous Early Bronze Age cemetery was found at Feifa by Rast and Schaub in 1973, as well as a fortified enclosure (1974: 11–12). Upon excavation, the enclosure turned out to be an Iron Age II (eighth century BC) fortress constructed over part of the Early Bronze Age cemetery (de Vries 1991: 262; MacDonald 1997: 65). At Khanazir, walls observed by Rast and Schaub in 1973 (1974: 12–14) were in reality rectangular structures marking Early Bronze IV shaft tombs (deVries 1991: 262; Rast 1992: 560; MacDonald 1997: 65; Schaub 1997b: 62). Even though the locations of three of the Cities of the Plain remain elusive, evidence is strong that the two most important, Sodom and Gomorrah, have been found. Map of the area south of the Dead Sea, showing theproposed locations of the Biblical Cities of the Plain.Identifying the Sites Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira are the only known inhabited towns in the region of the Dead Sea between ca. 3300 and 900 BC. Moreover, Bab edh-Dhra is the largest site from the pre-Hellenistic period in the area (Rast 1987b: 46). The conclusion that these sites are associated with the Cities of the Plain is inescapable (Rast 1987a: 190–94; 1992: 561).In determining which archaeological site should be identified with which Biblical place name, we begin with Zoar. Because Lot fled to Zoar to escape the catastrophe (Gn 19:21–23), the town was spared from God's judgment. From later references to Zoar in the prophecies against Moab (Is 15:5; Jer 48:34), we know that the town continued to exist. It is further mentioned in various ancient references from the Hellenistic period to the Middle Ages (Schaub 1997b: 63; Astour 1992; Howard 1988b). (4) The most important source for locating the site is the Madaba map, a mosaic map on the floor of a church Bab edh-Dhra—view east along the south wall. Note theproximity of the mountain in the background. The angels told Lot,"Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" (Gn 19:17).Bab edh-Dhra townsite and cemeteries. Although the northern wall was lost due to erosion, it is estimated that the size of the fortified area was 9–10 acres. There was occupation to the east, south and west of the city walls as well. The main burial area throughout the more than 1,000 year history of the town was Cemetery A to the southwest.in Madaba, Jordan, depicting Palestine in the sixth century. Zoar is shown on the southeast shore of the Dead Sea, just south of the Zared River (Wadi Hesa) (Donner 1992: 42, No. 18). This places ancient Zoar in the vicinity of modem Safi, although its exact location is not known at present (Schaub 1997b: 63–64).The Bible tells us that Lot and his daughters lived in a cave in the mountains near Zoar (Gn 19:30). At the edge of the mountains just to the east of Zoar, the Madaba Map depicts the Sanctuary of St. Lot, a church built in memory of Lot. H. Donner and E.A. Knauf discovered the ruins of the church in 1983 (Donner 1992: 42), although McDonald claims to have found the site in 1986 (Politis 1993: 338). Built in front of a cave thought to be where Lot and his daughters lived, the church is located 7 km (4 mi) northeast of Safi on the north bank of the Wadi Hesa. The earliest evidence of occupation at the site is from the Early Bronze Age. Since the other four cities are always mentioned in pairs—Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim—it is logical to presume that Sodom would have been located near Gomorrah and Admah near Zeboiim. Thus Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira should be identified with one of these pairs, but which one?Turning to the site to the north of Safi, Numeira, we can make a linguistic connection with one of the Cities of the Plain.
Many times ancient names are preserved in modem Arabic place names.
The consonants of the name Gomorrah are c (ayin) MR and the consonants of Numeira are N M R. The ancient and modem names match, except for the first letter. Initial laryngeals like the ayin in cMR were commonly lost or transformed in the process of time, or when they came over into other languages or dialects. In this case, it is possible that nasalization took place, so the ayin in Hebrew cMR became the N in Arabic NMR (Shea 1988: 17). Jericho has been called the lowest city in the world, being at an elevation of 220 m (720 ft) below sea level. Bab edh-Dhra is at about the same elevation. The title of the world's lowest city, however, must now go to Numeira since it is situated at 280–290 m (920–950 ft) below sea level.The site to the north of Numeira, Bab edh-Dhra, would then be Sodom. Since Bab edh-Dhra is the largest ancient ruin in the region it stands to reason that it should be identified as Sodom, the most famous of the Cities of the Plain. It was occupied throughout the Early Bronze Age forlearn french
Many times ancient names are preserved in modem Arabic place names.
The consonants of the name Gomorrah are c (ayin) MR and the consonants of Numeira are N M R. The ancient and modem names match, except for the first letter. Initial laryngeals like the ayin in cMR were commonly lost or transformed in the process of time, or when they came over into other languages or dialects. In this case, it is possible that nasalization took place, so the ayin in Hebrew cMR became the N in Arabic NMR (Shea 1988: 17). Jericho has been called the lowest city in the world, being at an elevation of 220 m (720 ft) below sea level. Bab edh-Dhra is at about the same elevation. The title of the world's lowest city, however, must now go to Numeira since it is situated at 280–290 m (920–950 ft) below sea level.The site to the north of Numeira, Bab edh-Dhra, would then be Sodom. Since Bab edh-Dhra is the largest ancient ruin in the region it stands to reason that it should be identified as Sodom, the most famous of the Cities of the Plain. It was occupied throughout the Early Bronze Age forlearn french
10 Mar 11 Leonardo DaVinci And Luca Pacioli: Accounting Systems
Leonardo DaVinci And Luca Pacioli: Accounting SystemsBy: marciano guerrero .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Luca Pacioli and Leonardo DaVinci --Renaissance men-- were both mathematical geniuses. Leonardo was more inclined towards military engineering, while Luca towards abstract and pure math. When Pacioli included "Double Entry Bookkeeping" in his textbook, Summa de Aritmetica, which he published in 1494, little did he know he would change the world.Gay Couples:Leonardo DaVinci and a monk named Luca Pacioli--the inventor of Accounting (debits and credits), lived together for many years. Luca's math textbook contained the basic notions that accountants follow today: Assets equal liabilities plus owner's equity (A=L + OE). Both being college professors traveled together and stayed together at different universities.Sigmund Freud-in his study on Leonardo's homosexuality- ignored this fact. It is a pity because Freud would have brought out factual evidence rather than wild speculations based on his psychoanalytic techniques. Leonardo, being much younger than Luca, has always been described as Luca's prot??g??.Today with time perspective we can understand they probably had a domestic partnership of sorts. In 1495 they lived together in Milan and Venice. Art Historians have well documented that Leonardo was summoned to court to address charges of homosexuality against him. But since the accuser did not show up, the charges were later dropped.The diagrams and figures one sees in Luca's Summa were DaVinci's drawings. They worked together as equal partners rather than the master-apprentice relations of the times.While Leonardo's acplishments have been well chronicled and documented in our times --even Bill Gates couldn't resist owning Leonardo's original manuscripts-- Luca's contributions are less known. Like our American poser Aaron Copland, I will play a fanfare for the mon man: Luca by his ingenious explanation of Double Entry Bookkeeping system made possible international merce; opening thus the flood-gates to what today we call "The Global Economy."Economic History:In more than ten thousand years of recorded history, no one in the human race had attempted to keep business records by double entry. The Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and other ancient civilizations recorded their transactions on a cash basis and by a single entry; that is, business people made lists of items purchased and sold.As a result, businesses remained small enterprises, doomed to remain small since the lack of an orderly system prevented growth. Whether in papyrus, sheep-skins parchments, or bricks, all business records were endless enumerations and catalogues, which offered little discernment into measurements of profit or loss.Luca Pacioli changed all that.Yes it was a leap of imagination to design Debits (left side) and credits (right side) as an information system. You write the assets on the left side of the equation, and the claims on those assets on right side.To think that a humble discovery such as double entry bookkeeping can change the destiny of the human race challenges credibility. But given that double entry allows not only for an orderly classification of accounts, journals, and ledgers, but also for measurements of liquidity and profitability, it isn't surprising to see that Capitalism bloomed.One can well imagine Luca and Leonardo discussing symmetries, contrasts, dichotomies, dualities, binary oppositions, polarities, antithesis, and other opposites: "Physical nature exhibits all these dualities: day and night, narrow and wide, fast and slow," Luca would say, "and human nature shows dualities, too." Leonardo would reply: "We carry good and evil, love and hatred, in our spirits and bodies--or as Heraclitus loved to say: "the way up is the way down, the narrow and the wide.""What about Ecclesiastes, Leonardo, -didn't he say...? a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot?"The observation of these doubles as a system of knowledge permitted Luca to expand it into the Accounting equation where what is on the left must equal what is on the right side (Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity). Later, accountants realized that another duality was needed: Revenues, which are increases in owner's equity, and Expenses decreases; the difference being no other than profits or losses.With debits and credits pretty much established as a system of order, writers such as Descartes, Cervantes, Shakespeare, and Dickens imposed it in literature and philosophy by means of antithesis. Descartes' cogito ergo sum-I think, therefore I am, is the synthesis of a duality: mind and body. In A Tale of Two Citites Dickens opens his novel with a detailed set of antitheses: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness..."Although philosophers such as Hegel and Karl Marx attempted to discard the duality system by replacing it with a triad: thesis, antithesis, synthesis. They failed; and we can understand why: Hegel professed the State's power, while Marx munism. By now we know the chaotic results of Nazism and munism.Accounting in the Global Economy: Improving MankindBillions of human beings have populated the earth, mostly living in the shadow of survival and mediocrity, the odd, the strange, and the eccentric are the ones who make the most invaluable contributions to the improvement of the human condition. Pacioli and DaVinci --two eccentrics-- did make tangible contributions to mankind.No longer were businesses confined within frontiers, as banks, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, and corporations, bartered, exchanged, and extracted profits across frontiers. The standardization of Financial Statements followed, so that Balance Sheets, Ine Statements, and Cash Flows are read and interpreted without major impediments all over Europe. The Double entry bookkeeping system is a triumph of the mind over the chaotic activities of humans engaged in trade.Not only did Double Entry brought forth a new economic system, but also the dawn of a new way of thinking: modernity. And modernity dispelled the mists of superstition, monsters, magic, witches, ogres, dwarfs, giants, miracles, chimeras, unicorns, centaurs, sirens, and other impossible figures of the supernatural. The middle ages and feudalism yielded to modern times.With capital formation in full thrust, the needed capital for factories became available, fostering thereby the advent of the European Industrial Revolution. By 1750 Europe was already industrialized, and by 1860 (after the Civil War) America became an industrial power.Pacioli's Legacy to Mankind:The natural tendency is duality as proved by the Second Law of thermodynamics: order and chaos (enthropy). Though Nature tends to chaos, human nature imposes order; the mind invents patterns of understanding.In economic systems where Capitalism prevails, businesses --being the major employers-- offer medical coverage and retirement plans; man and woman can now enjoy the latest technologies and thereby live longer and in better health.Luca Pacioli's legacy --accounting system of double entry-- to the business world is order. It contains: Balance, wholeness, and radiance, because his system dovetails with Democracy, with Freedom to the entrepreneur; a system that coincides with Adam Smith's pillars of capitalism: Laissez-faire (free market economy), petition (Invisible Hand), and the Division of labor (the innate human propensity that creates wealth for all).This is my fanfare to the mon man, the less known and unsung hero--Luca Pacioli.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryRetired. Former investment banker, Columbia University-educated, Vietnam Vet (67-68).For the writing techniques I use, see Mary Duffy's e-book: Sentence Openers.To read my book reviews of the Classics visit my blog: Writing To LiveNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, marciano guerreroRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? 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8 Key Factors That Define A Good Affiliate ProgramBy: Jeff Casmer .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Affiliate programs are a popular way to earn money online. But do you know what to search for in an affiliate program? It is important that you know what constitutes the best affiliate program before you sign up with any program.Key factors that define a good affiliate programs are as follows:1. Reputable and high quality products, services or business opportunities. If you join up an affiliate program that does not have a Montreal Canadiens jersey
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24 Jan 11 College Football Pick Texas Tech at Iowa State 10-2-10
Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesTexas Tech Red Raiders (-7) at Iowa State Cyclones Saturday October 2, 2010 7:00 PM EST Texas Tech comes into this battle of Big 12 teams looking for its first conference victory. The Red Raiders are 2-1 while the Cyclones are 2-2. Iowa State is coming off a victory vs Northern Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
Iowa while Texas Tech had an extra week to prepare for this one. The one thing that has stood out for this Iowa State team is their defense. They are only allowing 18 points a game, 33rd best in the nation. The defense is gonna have to come thru because the offense is only averaging little over 20 points a game, 99th in the nation. Texas Tech had 2 weeks to get over the tough loss to Texas. They will look at Senior QB Taylor Potts to carry this offense. Potts has 810 yards this year with 8 TDs and 2 Ints. The Red Raiders are averaging over 33 points a game but are getting little help from the running game which is ranked 116th in the nation. Look for the Red Raiders to get back on track after the loss to Texas. Normally with football picks, I like teams to have running games. With the Iowa State defense looking solidReebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
I expect the running game for Texas Tech to do just enough. Taylor Potts is a good QB and should be able to carve the Iowa State defense up. Free College Football Pick: Texas Tech (-7)Visit Freepick1.com each day for the winning free sports picks and expert football picks from our professional team. Be sure to check out our sportsbookspage for updated infoformation on bonusesfor the week. This article is also featured onSports Picks
Iowa while Texas Tech had an extra week to prepare for this one. The one thing that has stood out for this Iowa State team is their defense. They are only allowing 18 points a game, 33rd best in the nation. The defense is gonna have to come thru because the offense is only averaging little over 20 points a game, 99th in the nation. Texas Tech had 2 weeks to get over the tough loss to Texas. They will look at Senior QB Taylor Potts to carry this offense. Potts has 810 yards this year with 8 TDs and 2 Ints. The Red Raiders are averaging over 33 points a game but are getting little help from the running game which is ranked 116th in the nation. Look for the Red Raiders to get back on track after the loss to Texas. Normally with football picks, I like teams to have running games. With the Iowa State defense looking solidReebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
I expect the running game for Texas Tech to do just enough. Taylor Potts is a good QB and should be able to carve the Iowa State defense up. Free College Football Pick: Texas Tech (-7)Visit Freepick1.com each day for the winning free sports picks and expert football picks from our professional team. Be sure to check out our sportsbookspage for updated infoformation on bonusesfor the week. This article is also featured onSports Picks
24 Jan 11 College Football Pick Texas Tech at Iowa State 10-2-10
Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesTexas Tech Red Raiders (-7) at Iowa State Cyclones Saturday October 2, 2010 7:00 PM EST Texas Tech comes into this battle of Big 12 teams looking for its first conference victory. The Red Raiders are 2-1 while the Cyclones are 2-2. Iowa State is coming off a victory vs Northern Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
Iowa while Texas Tech had an extra week to prepare for this one. The one thing that has stood out for this Iowa State team is their defense. They are only allowing 18 points a game, 33rd best in the nation. The defense is gonna have to come thru because the offense is only averaging little over 20 points a game, 99th in the nation. Texas Tech had 2 weeks to get over the tough loss to Texas. They will look at Senior QB Taylor Potts to carry this offense. Potts has 810 yards this year with 8 TDs and 2 Ints. The Red Raiders are averaging over 33 points a game but are getting little help from the running game which is ranked 116th in the nation. Look for the Red Raiders to get back on track after the loss to Texas. Normally with football picks, I like teams to have running games. With the Iowa State defense looking solidReebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
I expect the running game for Texas Tech to do just enough. Taylor Potts is a good QB and should be able to carve the Iowa State defense up. Free College Football Pick: Texas Tech (-7)Visit Freepick1.com each day for the winning free sports picks and expert football picks from our professional team. Be sure to check out our sportsbookspage for updated infoformation on bonusesfor the week. This article is also featured onSports Picks
Iowa while Texas Tech had an extra week to prepare for this one. The one thing that has stood out for this Iowa State team is their defense. They are only allowing 18 points a game, 33rd best in the nation. The defense is gonna have to come thru because the offense is only averaging little over 20 points a game, 99th in the nation. Texas Tech had 2 weeks to get over the tough loss to Texas. They will look at Senior QB Taylor Potts to carry this offense. Potts has 810 yards this year with 8 TDs and 2 Ints. The Red Raiders are averaging over 33 points a game but are getting little help from the running game which is ranked 116th in the nation. Look for the Red Raiders to get back on track after the loss to Texas. Normally with football picks, I like teams to have running games. With the Iowa State defense looking solidReebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
I expect the running game for Texas Tech to do just enough. Taylor Potts is a good QB and should be able to carve the Iowa State defense up. Free College Football Pick: Texas Tech (-7)Visit Freepick1.com each day for the winning free sports picks and expert football picks from our professional team. Be sure to check out our sportsbookspage for updated infoformation on bonusesfor the week. This article is also featured onSports Picks
22 Jan 11 Virginia Tech Makes Second Half Statement Against East Carolina
Geoff Burke/Getty ImagesMany thought Virginia Tech had a realistic shot of going undefeated this season. No one would have thought the Hokies would be winless going into last Saturday's matchup with East Carolina after hosting James Madison, but that's why they play the games.After the Hokies embarrassed themselves in Week 2, they got off to a slow start against ECU. In fact, Tech was losing at halftime and didn't look strong until late in the third quarter.After Ryan Williams was helped off the field late in the first half with a hamstring injury, you could hear Seattle Seahawks jersey
everyone across Hokie Nation saying, "Here we go again."But then something clicked. David Wilson, who serves as the Hokies third string running back, gave the team a spark. He scored two touchdowns in the last five minutes of the third quarter to give the Hokies life.The defense started playing better, the offense started playing better, and 28 unanswered points later the Hokies had their first win of the season. Late in the third quarter of Week 3, Virginia Tech woke up.It took long enough, that's for sure. ECU had a Top 20 offense coming into this game, and it showed in the first half. Then finally, Bud Foster's defense started to play smash mouth football. The Pirates were held to only three points and under 100 yards in the second half, and the Hokies offense exploded.Wilson provided a lot of energy when he came into the game, and he absolutely dominated. He carried the ball 12 times for 89 yards and two scores, while Darren Evans had 10 carries on 91 yards and scored for the first time since coming back from his ACL injury.If the offensive line can block like they did in those final 20 minutes, Virginia Tech will be hard to beat. That being said, there are still a lot of questions facing this team.Will the Hokies be able to put together a complete game? How long will Williams be out with an injury? Will St. Louis Rams jersey
the offensive line be able to hold up against bigger, tougher opponents?Three critical questions, all of which should be answered as the season goes on. The Hokies have a critical ACC matchup against Boston College on Saturday, which should provide a few more answers.The Eagles are 2-0, but haven't played a real tough opponent so far. The Hokies will be a good test for Boston College, and the Eagles will look to bounce back from the beating the Hokies put on them in Blacksburg last season.It's still too early for Hokie fans to get their hopes up, but at least the team showed signs of life, and played like they were expected to play all year in the second half against ECU.
everyone across Hokie Nation saying, "Here we go again."But then something clicked. David Wilson, who serves as the Hokies third string running back, gave the team a spark. He scored two touchdowns in the last five minutes of the third quarter to give the Hokies life.The defense started playing better, the offense started playing better, and 28 unanswered points later the Hokies had their first win of the season. Late in the third quarter of Week 3, Virginia Tech woke up.It took long enough, that's for sure. ECU had a Top 20 offense coming into this game, and it showed in the first half. Then finally, Bud Foster's defense started to play smash mouth football. The Pirates were held to only three points and under 100 yards in the second half, and the Hokies offense exploded.Wilson provided a lot of energy when he came into the game, and he absolutely dominated. He carried the ball 12 times for 89 yards and two scores, while Darren Evans had 10 carries on 91 yards and scored for the first time since coming back from his ACL injury.If the offensive line can block like they did in those final 20 minutes, Virginia Tech will be hard to beat. That being said, there are still a lot of questions facing this team.Will the Hokies be able to put together a complete game? How long will Williams be out with an injury? Will St. Louis Rams jersey
the offensive line be able to hold up against bigger, tougher opponents?Three critical questions, all of which should be answered as the season goes on. The Hokies have a critical ACC matchup against Boston College on Saturday, which should provide a few more answers.The Eagles are 2-0, but haven't played a real tough opponent so far. The Hokies will be a good test for Boston College, and the Eagles will look to bounce back from the beating the Hokies put on them in Blacksburg last season.It's still too early for Hokie fans to get their hopes up, but at least the team showed signs of life, and played like they were expected to play all year in the second half against ECU.
18 Jan 11 Iowa Hawkeye Football: Stanzi Film Review: Arizona Wildcats
Stanzi saw some hits in this one.Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesDespite Iowa losing Ricky Stanzi didn't play a bad game. His only turnover really can't be laid at his feet. He threw a very catch-able ball that McNutt let get by him. Stanzi played fairly well under the circumstances. Arizona's front 7 blitzed around 25% of Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
Iowa's passing plays and got to Stanzi far more often than they should have. Constant blown pass protection schemes forced Stanzi to run for his life pretty often in this contest.Stanzi hit some very big throws in this game and there were 3 drops in this game including one that should have gone for a TD. He made use of his RB's when he could in this game, but the TE's saw very few looks in this one. I'm not sure if that was by design or not because it seemed Iowa should have been able to take advantage of LB's trying covering their TE's. Some RB or TE screens probably would have helped slow down the pass rush in this one also. A simple bubble screen to the outside also would probably have helped Stanzi get some rhythm .The only truly terrible play he made was taking the sack on 2nd and 3 on the last drive. He didn't have pressure from anywhere else and should have been able to evade the defender at least long enough to throw the ball away or even escape and scramble for a 1st down. Other than that only a few high throws were his mistakes in this one. Stanzi+1 Nice ball to come back with off of the pick 6. Good solid throw for a 1st down to DJK. D3 Play 1+1 Good decision to pull it down against the pressure here and a great run for a first down as AZ was in man coverage here. D3 Play 4-1 Poor read and throw here as he tries to hit Davis on the post down the middle. Both safety's had at the snap cover 2 reads but both stayed in the middle hook zone. Stanzi threw this ball like he was worried about getting it over top ofReebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
the safeties. Needs to read that and put that ball flatter and further across the field here as the corner had played Davis on his up-field shoulder. D4 Play 4 +1 Excllent throw in the seam here. Made the correct read at the snap and fired a bullet into the open lane in the middle. D4 Play 6.+1 Great patience on the short out route to Jewel Hampton for the TD. D4 Play 9-1 Ball thrown too high on the comeback route. Normally does a good job keeping these throws down but this one caught some air on him. D5 Play 2+1 Good read on the bailout coverage as he throws the easy stop route to Davis. D6 Play 1+1 Great read and deep ball here on the double move as it slips through DJK's fingers. D6 Play 2+1 Nice read here as he puts it into Sandemans hands on the run. D7 Play 1+1 Gutsy run by Stanzi here as he takes a whack at the end of it. D7 Play 2-1 One too many deep balls into double coverage here and the safety drops a free pick on a poor pass. Not sure what the read was here as he threw it into double coverage. He had no where to throw this ball but still not a throw you want to make when you have time to just throw it away. D7 Play 4+1 Stanzi Good timing and read here as he lays this one right down the middle as he see's the corner on DJK rolled to the flat and its an easy TD for DJK who just blew by the safety. D9 Play 3-1 Far too much air on the pass to the outside as he had McNutt open here. Looked like he expected the underneath LB to be further back so he put more air under this ball. Needs to drop that pass in there. D10 Play 5+1 Well Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
read by Stanzi here. He had one on one with a smaller corner on his best jump ball receiver, McNutt. Throws a beautiful ball in a clutch situation. Throws it up high to the outside where only his man can come up with it. D11 Play 4-2 Just cannot take this sack right here. You've got to either get this ball out or attempt to escape the pocket.
Iowa's passing plays and got to Stanzi far more often than they should have. Constant blown pass protection schemes forced Stanzi to run for his life pretty often in this contest.Stanzi hit some very big throws in this game and there were 3 drops in this game including one that should have gone for a TD. He made use of his RB's when he could in this game, but the TE's saw very few looks in this one. I'm not sure if that was by design or not because it seemed Iowa should have been able to take advantage of LB's trying covering their TE's. Some RB or TE screens probably would have helped slow down the pass rush in this one also. A simple bubble screen to the outside also would probably have helped Stanzi get some rhythm .The only truly terrible play he made was taking the sack on 2nd and 3 on the last drive. He didn't have pressure from anywhere else and should have been able to evade the defender at least long enough to throw the ball away or even escape and scramble for a 1st down. Other than that only a few high throws were his mistakes in this one. Stanzi+1 Nice ball to come back with off of the pick 6. Good solid throw for a 1st down to DJK. D3 Play 1+1 Good decision to pull it down against the pressure here and a great run for a first down as AZ was in man coverage here. D3 Play 4-1 Poor read and throw here as he tries to hit Davis on the post down the middle. Both safety's had at the snap cover 2 reads but both stayed in the middle hook zone. Stanzi threw this ball like he was worried about getting it over top ofReebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
the safeties. Needs to read that and put that ball flatter and further across the field here as the corner had played Davis on his up-field shoulder. D4 Play 4 +1 Excllent throw in the seam here. Made the correct read at the snap and fired a bullet into the open lane in the middle. D4 Play 6.+1 Great patience on the short out route to Jewel Hampton for the TD. D4 Play 9-1 Ball thrown too high on the comeback route. Normally does a good job keeping these throws down but this one caught some air on him. D5 Play 2+1 Good read on the bailout coverage as he throws the easy stop route to Davis. D6 Play 1+1 Great read and deep ball here on the double move as it slips through DJK's fingers. D6 Play 2+1 Nice read here as he puts it into Sandemans hands on the run. D7 Play 1+1 Gutsy run by Stanzi here as he takes a whack at the end of it. D7 Play 2-1 One too many deep balls into double coverage here and the safety drops a free pick on a poor pass. Not sure what the read was here as he threw it into double coverage. He had no where to throw this ball but still not a throw you want to make when you have time to just throw it away. D7 Play 4+1 Stanzi Good timing and read here as he lays this one right down the middle as he see's the corner on DJK rolled to the flat and its an easy TD for DJK who just blew by the safety. D9 Play 3-1 Far too much air on the pass to the outside as he had McNutt open here. Looked like he expected the underneath LB to be further back so he put more air under this ball. Needs to drop that pass in there. D10 Play 5+1 Well Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
read by Stanzi here. He had one on one with a smaller corner on his best jump ball receiver, McNutt. Throws a beautiful ball in a clutch situation. Throws it up high to the outside where only his man can come up with it. D11 Play 4-2 Just cannot take this sack right here. You've got to either get this ball out or attempt to escape the pocket.
15 Jan 11 New Orleans Saints Az Hakim
Az-Zahir Hakim has finally found a place to call home (for the time being). After flipfloping on a decision to sign with the Chiefs, the veteran receiver has agreed to terms with the New Orleans Saints. Hakim was a rising star with the St. Louis Rams before spending a few disappointing and injury-riddled seasons with the Detroit Lions.The specifics of the deal should become available later today, but one thing is for certain; it will only be a one year contract. Az Hakim must prove himself before a team will consider signing him to a longterm deal.The San Francisco 49ers jersey
New Orleans Saints may prove to be nothing more than a transitional team for Hakim. They already have a Pro Bowl veteran in Joe Horn as well as two speedy and talented youngsters in Donte Stallworth and Devery Henderson. They have been actively looking for a veteran wideout to play the slot position until one of those youngsters matures enough to play that role. So, D'Brickashaw Ferguson -- what do you think of New Orleans?Of course, it isn't a certainty that the New Orleans Saints will select the All-American tackle from the University of Virginia with the second pick in the NFL draft, but the Saints' latest transaction would seem to make that compelling possibility.At one point, just a few weeks ago, it was assumed that Southern Cal quarterback Matt Leinart (considered almost saintly for sticking around to play his senior year as a Trojan) would become a Saint for real. Then New Orleans signed QB Drew Brees off the free agent dessert cart.No more hole, no more Leinart.Earlier this week, though, New Orleans traded veteran left tackle Wayne Gandy -- a starter in all 16 games last season -- to the Atlanta Falcons for DB Bryan Scott. The departure of the 6-4, 308-pounder from Auburn leaves only NFL Europe product Ben Archibald to protect the blind side of whoever winds up playing quarterback. Seattle Seahawks jersey
Considering that Archibald saw action in only five games last year, that's not terribly encouraging.Scott will provide some help to the New Orleans secondary, having made 73 tackles, intercepted one pass and deflected seven others for Atlanta in 2005. He won't be much help in pass protection, though.Ferguson, meanwhile, has been considered one of the top five players in the draft since Day One. He started 46 of 48 games with the Virginia Cavaliers, all at left tackle. At 6-6, 305 pounds, he still runs a 5.0 40 and is considered the top pass blocker in the O-Line pool. Of course, there are other intriguing prospects in the upper echelon of the draft, notably LB A.J. Hawk of Ohio State and DE Mario Williams of North Carolina State. But having lost Gandy to the trade, starting C LeCharles Bentley (now in Cleveland) to St. Louis Rams jersey
free agency and starting guard Kendyl Jacox to a cap-inspired roster cut, the Saints have to be including some new beef in their plans. They did sign G Jonathan Goodwin away from the New York Jets as the heir apparent to Jacox, but that still leaves a Gandy-sized hole at tackle.The other alternative for the New Orleans Saints is to entertain trade offers for that No. 2 pick, perhaps picking up another draft choice or two. An offensive lineman would have to be in the mix somewhere, though.Wonder if D'Brickashaw Ferguson likes jambalaya?
New Orleans Saints may prove to be nothing more than a transitional team for Hakim. They already have a Pro Bowl veteran in Joe Horn as well as two speedy and talented youngsters in Donte Stallworth and Devery Henderson. They have been actively looking for a veteran wideout to play the slot position until one of those youngsters matures enough to play that role. So, D'Brickashaw Ferguson -- what do you think of New Orleans?Of course, it isn't a certainty that the New Orleans Saints will select the All-American tackle from the University of Virginia with the second pick in the NFL draft, but the Saints' latest transaction would seem to make that compelling possibility.At one point, just a few weeks ago, it was assumed that Southern Cal quarterback Matt Leinart (considered almost saintly for sticking around to play his senior year as a Trojan) would become a Saint for real. Then New Orleans signed QB Drew Brees off the free agent dessert cart.No more hole, no more Leinart.Earlier this week, though, New Orleans traded veteran left tackle Wayne Gandy -- a starter in all 16 games last season -- to the Atlanta Falcons for DB Bryan Scott. The departure of the 6-4, 308-pounder from Auburn leaves only NFL Europe product Ben Archibald to protect the blind side of whoever winds up playing quarterback. Seattle Seahawks jersey
Considering that Archibald saw action in only five games last year, that's not terribly encouraging.Scott will provide some help to the New Orleans secondary, having made 73 tackles, intercepted one pass and deflected seven others for Atlanta in 2005. He won't be much help in pass protection, though.Ferguson, meanwhile, has been considered one of the top five players in the draft since Day One. He started 46 of 48 games with the Virginia Cavaliers, all at left tackle. At 6-6, 305 pounds, he still runs a 5.0 40 and is considered the top pass blocker in the O-Line pool. Of course, there are other intriguing prospects in the upper echelon of the draft, notably LB A.J. Hawk of Ohio State and DE Mario Williams of North Carolina State. But having lost Gandy to the trade, starting C LeCharles Bentley (now in Cleveland) to St. Louis Rams jersey
free agency and starting guard Kendyl Jacox to a cap-inspired roster cut, the Saints have to be including some new beef in their plans. They did sign G Jonathan Goodwin away from the New York Jets as the heir apparent to Jacox, but that still leaves a Gandy-sized hole at tackle.The other alternative for the New Orleans Saints is to entertain trade offers for that No. 2 pick, perhaps picking up another draft choice or two. An offensive lineman would have to be in the mix somewhere, though.Wonder if D'Brickashaw Ferguson likes jambalaya?
14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers Tony Romo vs. Drew Bledsoe Perspective
The Panthers and Cowboys square off in a huge matchup on NBC's "Sunday Night Football" this week. The show, which has garnered huge ratings, has basically replaced "Monday Night Football" as the premier NFL telecast of the week. But who cares about ratings, right? It's all about the football. The Cowboys are a lost bunch right now. Everyone and their mother wanted Bill Parcells to go with Tony Romo instead of Bledsoe, and already -- two quarters deep into the Romo Era -- the same people are shaking their heads. Hey, we all wish we could New Orleans Saints jersey
clone the 1986 version of Phil Simms and his super-accurate arm, but that's not happening. Bledsoe gives you some stuff (the deep ball, experience, statue mimicry) and Romo gives you something else (mobility, youthful exuberance, youthful decision-making). Listen, you're out of your mind if you can say with a straight face that Drew Bledsoe has ever thrown a pass worse than Romo's shuffle toss to wide open Giants DT Fred Robbins. Starting Romo is the right move, but it won't simultaneously fix all of the Cowboys' problems. Every sportswriter and media member has been dwelling on the Bledsoe-Romo controversy since training camp; but, in the process, they've missed the bigger picture... the Cowboys aren't that good. They have a flawed defense that is extremely susceptible to the long ball; New York Giants jersey
an inconsistent running game featuring an overrated back; a shaky O-line; a lousy placekicker; and... and... some other guy... what's his name? Oh yeah... T.O. However, because everyone is talking about the quarterbacks, let me offer this question, "From the Panthers' point of view, which is the better QB to face?" Of course, by "better" I actually mean worse. And, strangely enough, I think it's the same guy. Julius Peppers is playing at such a high level that Romo's mobility won't factor in. I don't think Randall Cunningham in his prime could wiggle out of a Peppers sack this season; the defensive end has looked that good. Bottom line, I don't feel the Dallas quarterback situation will be much of a factor this Sunday night. The play of Big D's offensive line has been and will continue to be the biggest issue in terms of the passing game. I don't care about arm strength; it's hard to throw a ball downfield when you're lying on your back. On the other side of the ball, Jake Delhomme and the Panthers' offense could be in for a big day. Roy Williams, perhaps the best tackling safety in the NFL, has looked like a lost puppy whenever he has to drop back on deep passes, and last time I checked, the Panthers had a guy named Smith who was good at doing just that. Basically, Carolina is just a better team right New York Jets jersey
now. This is the Panthers' game to lose. And the team has often played down to its opponent. For instance, the Panthers should have defeated Baltimore by at least 20 points (they won, 23-21). They lost to a team last week that needed the game more than they did, and in a lot of ways they face a similar team this week. The Cowboys could save their season with a huge road win in Charlotte, and they'll give the Panthers all they have. Remember this; never count out a Bill Parcells-led team, especially when they have their backs to the wall.Original Carolina Panthers analysis
clone the 1986 version of Phil Simms and his super-accurate arm, but that's not happening. Bledsoe gives you some stuff (the deep ball, experience, statue mimicry) and Romo gives you something else (mobility, youthful exuberance, youthful decision-making). Listen, you're out of your mind if you can say with a straight face that Drew Bledsoe has ever thrown a pass worse than Romo's shuffle toss to wide open Giants DT Fred Robbins. Starting Romo is the right move, but it won't simultaneously fix all of the Cowboys' problems. Every sportswriter and media member has been dwelling on the Bledsoe-Romo controversy since training camp; but, in the process, they've missed the bigger picture... the Cowboys aren't that good. They have a flawed defense that is extremely susceptible to the long ball; New York Giants jersey
an inconsistent running game featuring an overrated back; a shaky O-line; a lousy placekicker; and... and... some other guy... what's his name? Oh yeah... T.O. However, because everyone is talking about the quarterbacks, let me offer this question, "From the Panthers' point of view, which is the better QB to face?" Of course, by "better" I actually mean worse. And, strangely enough, I think it's the same guy. Julius Peppers is playing at such a high level that Romo's mobility won't factor in. I don't think Randall Cunningham in his prime could wiggle out of a Peppers sack this season; the defensive end has looked that good. Bottom line, I don't feel the Dallas quarterback situation will be much of a factor this Sunday night. The play of Big D's offensive line has been and will continue to be the biggest issue in terms of the passing game. I don't care about arm strength; it's hard to throw a ball downfield when you're lying on your back. On the other side of the ball, Jake Delhomme and the Panthers' offense could be in for a big day. Roy Williams, perhaps the best tackling safety in the NFL, has looked like a lost puppy whenever he has to drop back on deep passes, and last time I checked, the Panthers had a guy named Smith who was good at doing just that. Basically, Carolina is just a better team right New York Jets jersey
now. This is the Panthers' game to lose. And the team has often played down to its opponent. For instance, the Panthers should have defeated Baltimore by at least 20 points (they won, 23-21). They lost to a team last week that needed the game more than they did, and in a lot of ways they face a similar team this week. The Cowboys could save their season with a huge road win in Charlotte, and they'll give the Panthers all they have. Remember this; never count out a Bill Parcells-led team, especially when they have their backs to the wall.Original Carolina Panthers analysis
14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers Tony Romo vs. Drew Bledsoe Perspective
The Panthers and Cowboys square off in a huge matchup on NBC's "Sunday Night Football" this week. The show, which has garnered huge ratings, has basically replaced "Monday Night Football" as the premier NFL telecast of the week. But who cares about ratings, right? It's all about the football. The Cowboys are a lost bunch right now. Everyone and their mother wanted Bill Parcells to go with Tony Romo instead of Bledsoe, and already -- two quarters deep into the Romo Era -- the same people are shaking their heads. Hey, we all wish we could New Orleans Saints jersey
clone the 1986 version of Phil Simms and his super-accurate arm, but that's not happening. Bledsoe gives you some stuff (the deep ball, experience, statue mimicry) and Romo gives you something else (mobility, youthful exuberance, youthful decision-making). Listen, you're out of your mind if you can say with a straight face that Drew Bledsoe has ever thrown a pass worse than Romo's shuffle toss to wide open Giants DT Fred Robbins. Starting Romo is the right move, but it won't simultaneously fix all of the Cowboys' problems. Every sportswriter and media member has been dwelling on the Bledsoe-Romo controversy since training camp; but, in the process, they've missed the bigger picture... the Cowboys aren't that good. They have a flawed defense that is extremely susceptible to the long ball; New York Giants jersey
an inconsistent running game featuring an overrated back; a shaky O-line; a lousy placekicker; and... and... some other guy... what's his name? Oh yeah... T.O. However, because everyone is talking about the quarterbacks, let me offer this question, "From the Panthers' point of view, which is the better QB to face?" Of course, by "better" I actually mean worse. And, strangely enough, I think it's the same guy. Julius Peppers is playing at such a high level that Romo's mobility won't factor in. I don't think Randall Cunningham in his prime could wiggle out of a Peppers sack this season; the defensive end has looked that good. Bottom line, I don't feel the Dallas quarterback situation will be much of a factor this Sunday night. The play of Big D's offensive line has been and will continue to be the biggest issue in terms of the passing game. I don't care about arm strength; it's hard to throw a ball downfield when you're lying on your back. On the other side of the ball, Jake Delhomme and the Panthers' offense could be in for a big day. Roy Williams, perhaps the best tackling safety in the NFL, has looked like a lost puppy whenever he has to drop back on deep passes, and last time I checked, the Panthers had a guy named Smith who was good at doing just that. Basically, Carolina is just a better team right New York Jets jersey
now. This is the Panthers' game to lose. And the team has often played down to its opponent. For instance, the Panthers should have defeated Baltimore by at least 20 points (they won, 23-21). They lost to a team last week that needed the game more than they did, and in a lot of ways they face a similar team this week. The Cowboys could save their season with a huge road win in Charlotte, and they'll give the Panthers all they have. Remember this; never count out a Bill Parcells-led team, especially when they have their backs to the wall.Original Carolina Panthers analysis
clone the 1986 version of Phil Simms and his super-accurate arm, but that's not happening. Bledsoe gives you some stuff (the deep ball, experience, statue mimicry) and Romo gives you something else (mobility, youthful exuberance, youthful decision-making). Listen, you're out of your mind if you can say with a straight face that Drew Bledsoe has ever thrown a pass worse than Romo's shuffle toss to wide open Giants DT Fred Robbins. Starting Romo is the right move, but it won't simultaneously fix all of the Cowboys' problems. Every sportswriter and media member has been dwelling on the Bledsoe-Romo controversy since training camp; but, in the process, they've missed the bigger picture... the Cowboys aren't that good. They have a flawed defense that is extremely susceptible to the long ball; New York Giants jersey
an inconsistent running game featuring an overrated back; a shaky O-line; a lousy placekicker; and... and... some other guy... what's his name? Oh yeah... T.O. However, because everyone is talking about the quarterbacks, let me offer this question, "From the Panthers' point of view, which is the better QB to face?" Of course, by "better" I actually mean worse. And, strangely enough, I think it's the same guy. Julius Peppers is playing at such a high level that Romo's mobility won't factor in. I don't think Randall Cunningham in his prime could wiggle out of a Peppers sack this season; the defensive end has looked that good. Bottom line, I don't feel the Dallas quarterback situation will be much of a factor this Sunday night. The play of Big D's offensive line has been and will continue to be the biggest issue in terms of the passing game. I don't care about arm strength; it's hard to throw a ball downfield when you're lying on your back. On the other side of the ball, Jake Delhomme and the Panthers' offense could be in for a big day. Roy Williams, perhaps the best tackling safety in the NFL, has looked like a lost puppy whenever he has to drop back on deep passes, and last time I checked, the Panthers had a guy named Smith who was good at doing just that. Basically, Carolina is just a better team right New York Jets jersey
now. This is the Panthers' game to lose. And the team has often played down to its opponent. For instance, the Panthers should have defeated Baltimore by at least 20 points (they won, 23-21). They lost to a team last week that needed the game more than they did, and in a lot of ways they face a similar team this week. The Cowboys could save their season with a huge road win in Charlotte, and they'll give the Panthers all they have. Remember this; never count out a Bill Parcells-led team, especially when they have their backs to the wall.Original Carolina Panthers analysis
13 Jan 11 King's Quest: Why LeBron James Will Stay in Cleveland
Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty ImagesCleveland Cavaliers minority (and former majority) owner Gordon Gund stated recently that he is "very hopeful" that Cavs superstar LeBron James will re-sign with the team during the much-hyped free agent signing period this summer."I'm very hopeful that he will. I think it will be hard for him to find a better situation," Gund said in an interview with basketball Web site NBA FanHouse.Gund's aspirations are shared with firm guard by anyone who has a shred of affection for Cleveland sports. LeBron's influence and Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
importance go above and beyond sports for Clevelanders."King James" means everything to this city.The issue of James' eventual signing with his next NBA squad has been discussed ad nauseam over the course of the past two years or so, matched only by the coverage of Brett Favre's annual retirement charade and ESPN's yearlong love affair with the NFL Draft.Each and every opinion variation has been analyzed, rebuttals have been thrown back and forth, and once the dust settles after each of the many debates, the general consensus seems split: Many think he'll stay, many think he'll go.But despite the many "experts" who hold the utmost confidence in James abandoning the city where sports nightmare created its horrifyingly permanent nest, the King will still hold court in Cleveland next year and beyond.First of all, the Cavs can give James a lot (more than any other NBA team) of what he likes a whole lot: money. The collective bargaining agreement allows Cleveland to offer James a maximum contract this summer. Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry would have to be a lunatic to do anything but that.The bottom line on the money issue is that the Cavs can give LeBron more money than anybody else.Some will argue that James would cash in on millions more in endorsement deals if he jumped ship to a bigger city and broader spotlight. While this may be true to an extent, can this guy get any bigger than he already is?His face is on billboards in almost every major city in the world, he's featured in annual ad campaigns for multiple international conglomerates, he's one of the most recognizable faces in the world, and he has an entire region (which includes his hometown) groveling at his feet 24/7.This last point brings this article to its next argument: James' close ties to family and friends close to home tip the scales in favor of the Cavs locking him up beyond 2010.Since beginning his career with the Cavaliers, James has continually said how much he enjoys playing near his hometown and how important his family and friends are to him. The tight bonds James developed with his teammates at Akron's St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (which are highlighted in a full-length feature film and a book) give evidence to how connected and rooted he is to northeast Ohio.While LeBron's Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
loyalty to the place in which he grew up certainly won't single-handedly sway him toward re-signing with Cleveland, it certainly doesn't hurt.Seasons past and present give evidence to the claim that the Cavaliers give James his best shot at a championship. From the moment Cleveland drafted James in 2003, the franchise that was then on life support has done everything in its power to give its star everything he needs to win a ring.After a shaky start to this season (a whopping two-game losing streak at the outset), James and his teammates have developed a tangible chemistry that has led them to the Eastern Conference's best record (30-10).Cleveland boasts one of the biggest frontlines, deepest benches, and most talented backcourts in basketball. The offseason additions of Anthony Parker and Jamario Moon, the (finally) consistent play of guard Daniel Gibson, and the continued high productivity of Mo Williams and Delonte West have helped place James and the Cavaliers among the favorites to claim the Larry O'Brien Trophy in June.All this goes without mentioning what the Cavs may do at this season's trade deadline to bolster their roster.While some of Ferry's past moves have been questionable at best (the Larry Hughes experiment), he's also pulled off a few of what should be considered miraculous transactions (essentially swapping Damon Jones for Williams two seasons ago and trading Tony Battie and draft picks to Orlando for Drew Gooden and Anderson Varejao).And although some may argue that newly-acquired center Shaquille O'Neal isn't a good fit in Cleveland, the Cavs gave up next to nothing (Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic) to get the overwhelming frontcourt presence that many said they needed after getting bounced from last year's playoffs by Dwight Howard and the Magic.As long as Ferry holds post as general manager in Cleveland, one can reasonably expect him to continue giving LeBron the pieces he needs to contend for a title.But perhaps the biggest reason for James to remain with the Cavaliers past 2010 has to do with a mission of sorts for the superstar.Since LeBron entered the league, he has developed a Kobe Bryant-esque will to reach victory, no matter what it takes (this is especially evident since the Cavaliers' rise to NBA prominence). All one needs to do is watch a hotly-contested fourth quarter to behold James putting his team on his back and carrying it through whatever the opposition throws at him.It's this kind of commitment against losing that drives the "King's Crusade." If LeBron can bring Clevelanda city that has undergone nonstop sports torture for decadesa championship dynasty over the next several years, it will seat him firmly among history's greatest athletes.No number of potential championships won in a city like New York could match bringing the success-starved Cleveland faithful to the promised landa heroic feat to which LeBron is startlingly dedicated.Dominating the league from his hometown, while fighting to bring it the championship success it has long lacked could Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
end up being the one factor that pushes James to sign on the dotted line with the Cavaliers this summer.Since LeBron's arrival in Cleveland, he has done nothing but plant euphoric dreams within the minds of the downtrodden Midwest town's people.This summer will not only make or break the future of the Cavaliers, but that of the city of Cleveland as well. With the Cavaliers in the Association's elite, King James' subjects should share Gund's faith.Until then, we'll just have to Witness what happens.
importance go above and beyond sports for Clevelanders."King James" means everything to this city.The issue of James' eventual signing with his next NBA squad has been discussed ad nauseam over the course of the past two years or so, matched only by the coverage of Brett Favre's annual retirement charade and ESPN's yearlong love affair with the NFL Draft.Each and every opinion variation has been analyzed, rebuttals have been thrown back and forth, and once the dust settles after each of the many debates, the general consensus seems split: Many think he'll stay, many think he'll go.But despite the many "experts" who hold the utmost confidence in James abandoning the city where sports nightmare created its horrifyingly permanent nest, the King will still hold court in Cleveland next year and beyond.First of all, the Cavs can give James a lot (more than any other NBA team) of what he likes a whole lot: money. The collective bargaining agreement allows Cleveland to offer James a maximum contract this summer. Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry would have to be a lunatic to do anything but that.The bottom line on the money issue is that the Cavs can give LeBron more money than anybody else.Some will argue that James would cash in on millions more in endorsement deals if he jumped ship to a bigger city and broader spotlight. While this may be true to an extent, can this guy get any bigger than he already is?His face is on billboards in almost every major city in the world, he's featured in annual ad campaigns for multiple international conglomerates, he's one of the most recognizable faces in the world, and he has an entire region (which includes his hometown) groveling at his feet 24/7.This last point brings this article to its next argument: James' close ties to family and friends close to home tip the scales in favor of the Cavs locking him up beyond 2010.Since beginning his career with the Cavaliers, James has continually said how much he enjoys playing near his hometown and how important his family and friends are to him. The tight bonds James developed with his teammates at Akron's St. Vincent-St. Mary High School (which are highlighted in a full-length feature film and a book) give evidence to how connected and rooted he is to northeast Ohio.While LeBron's Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
loyalty to the place in which he grew up certainly won't single-handedly sway him toward re-signing with Cleveland, it certainly doesn't hurt.Seasons past and present give evidence to the claim that the Cavaliers give James his best shot at a championship. From the moment Cleveland drafted James in 2003, the franchise that was then on life support has done everything in its power to give its star everything he needs to win a ring.After a shaky start to this season (a whopping two-game losing streak at the outset), James and his teammates have developed a tangible chemistry that has led them to the Eastern Conference's best record (30-10).Cleveland boasts one of the biggest frontlines, deepest benches, and most talented backcourts in basketball. The offseason additions of Anthony Parker and Jamario Moon, the (finally) consistent play of guard Daniel Gibson, and the continued high productivity of Mo Williams and Delonte West have helped place James and the Cavaliers among the favorites to claim the Larry O'Brien Trophy in June.All this goes without mentioning what the Cavs may do at this season's trade deadline to bolster their roster.While some of Ferry's past moves have been questionable at best (the Larry Hughes experiment), he's also pulled off a few of what should be considered miraculous transactions (essentially swapping Damon Jones for Williams two seasons ago and trading Tony Battie and draft picks to Orlando for Drew Gooden and Anderson Varejao).And although some may argue that newly-acquired center Shaquille O'Neal isn't a good fit in Cleveland, the Cavs gave up next to nothing (Ben Wallace and Sasha Pavlovic) to get the overwhelming frontcourt presence that many said they needed after getting bounced from last year's playoffs by Dwight Howard and the Magic.As long as Ferry holds post as general manager in Cleveland, one can reasonably expect him to continue giving LeBron the pieces he needs to contend for a title.But perhaps the biggest reason for James to remain with the Cavaliers past 2010 has to do with a mission of sorts for the superstar.Since LeBron entered the league, he has developed a Kobe Bryant-esque will to reach victory, no matter what it takes (this is especially evident since the Cavaliers' rise to NBA prominence). All one needs to do is watch a hotly-contested fourth quarter to behold James putting his team on his back and carrying it through whatever the opposition throws at him.It's this kind of commitment against losing that drives the "King's Crusade." If LeBron can bring Clevelanda city that has undergone nonstop sports torture for decadesa championship dynasty over the next several years, it will seat him firmly among history's greatest athletes.No number of potential championships won in a city like New York could match bringing the success-starved Cleveland faithful to the promised landa heroic feat to which LeBron is startlingly dedicated.Dominating the league from his hometown, while fighting to bring it the championship success it has long lacked could Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
end up being the one factor that pushes James to sign on the dotted line with the Cavaliers this summer.Since LeBron's arrival in Cleveland, he has done nothing but plant euphoric dreams within the minds of the downtrodden Midwest town's people.This summer will not only make or break the future of the Cavaliers, but that of the city of Cleveland as well. With the Cavaliers in the Association's elite, King James' subjects should share Gund's faith.Until then, we'll just have to Witness what happens.
12 Jan 11 Greg Oden Is the Kind of Guy You Want on Your Team
Greg Oden woke up 5 months ago to an unsettling phone call.Nude pictures had surfaced on the Internet, and the world around him was crashing down upon him... Well, at least that's how the media and fans acted.The story is that two years ago Greg and his girlfriend at the time had been "sexting" Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
and having a good time. Apparently she kept the photos. To get back at him, she sent the photos to a Web site and the rest is history.LZ Granderson of ESPN.com said it best..."Penis.There, I said it. Not "thing" or "junk" or "stuff" or any other ridiculous euphemism we use to describe this particular area of the anatomy, as if it weren't part of the human body.About half the people in the world have one, and that includes Greg Oden.None of this is exactly breaking news, but for some reason, a good chunk of the country has been behaving as if the nude photos of the oft-injured Portland Trail Blazer that surfaced recently are a stop-the-presses issue. It's been on every sports blog the Internet offers up as well as sports talk radio and television shows from coast to coast, including ESPN.The only thing more ridiculous thanOden's apologizingfor taking the pictures are the folks who felt he needed to. As far as I can tell, he has nothing to apologize for -- and no, that isn't a thinly veiled size joke."The national media made this story way bigger than it needed to be. San Diego Chargers jersey
Greg Oden didn't do anything illegal. He didn't get in a fight. He wasn't fooling around with a prostitute or smoking weed out of the back of an Escalade.He had a lapse of judgement.That's it.There were no guns involved. No drugs. No illegal activity took place.We don't need to crucify the guy because he is guilty of being a kid.This leads me to my next point.He is a great guy. What professional athlete in recent memory has actually admitted first hand that they did something wrong?Alex Rodriguez? No.McGwire? No.Tiger Woods? No.Greg Oden handled this like a man. He did the right thing even though he didn't have to.He did the right thing even though the wrong thing was much easier, and I commend him for his maturity following his lapse in judgement. None of this regards his on court play, which in the moments he has been able to display it, he has been spectacular. This summer should be a huge turning point for Greg both mentally and physically.On the physical front there has been some movement. Trainer Jay Jensen said during a radio interview that they believe the reason Greg Oden has been having knee troubles is because his quad muscle is too powerful and is causing an imbalance in his muscle system. When a muscle doesn't have a neutralizing force on the other end, you begin to add extra stress onto San Francisco 49ers jersey
the tendons and other important structures and in this case, that is the knee. But thats beside the point.Greg Oden is the person of quality that every NBA team wants.Past injury issues aside, Greg Oden will be a dominant center.Rip city will have to be patient.But that will be easy since he has the kind heart and loving personality that Portland adores.Get better, Greg.
and having a good time. Apparently she kept the photos. To get back at him, she sent the photos to a Web site and the rest is history.LZ Granderson of ESPN.com said it best..."Penis.There, I said it. Not "thing" or "junk" or "stuff" or any other ridiculous euphemism we use to describe this particular area of the anatomy, as if it weren't part of the human body.About half the people in the world have one, and that includes Greg Oden.None of this is exactly breaking news, but for some reason, a good chunk of the country has been behaving as if the nude photos of the oft-injured Portland Trail Blazer that surfaced recently are a stop-the-presses issue. It's been on every sports blog the Internet offers up as well as sports talk radio and television shows from coast to coast, including ESPN.The only thing more ridiculous thanOden's apologizingfor taking the pictures are the folks who felt he needed to. As far as I can tell, he has nothing to apologize for -- and no, that isn't a thinly veiled size joke."The national media made this story way bigger than it needed to be. San Diego Chargers jersey
Greg Oden didn't do anything illegal. He didn't get in a fight. He wasn't fooling around with a prostitute or smoking weed out of the back of an Escalade.He had a lapse of judgement.That's it.There were no guns involved. No drugs. No illegal activity took place.We don't need to crucify the guy because he is guilty of being a kid.This leads me to my next point.He is a great guy. What professional athlete in recent memory has actually admitted first hand that they did something wrong?Alex Rodriguez? No.McGwire? No.Tiger Woods? No.Greg Oden handled this like a man. He did the right thing even though he didn't have to.He did the right thing even though the wrong thing was much easier, and I commend him for his maturity following his lapse in judgement. None of this regards his on court play, which in the moments he has been able to display it, he has been spectacular. This summer should be a huge turning point for Greg both mentally and physically.On the physical front there has been some movement. Trainer Jay Jensen said during a radio interview that they believe the reason Greg Oden has been having knee troubles is because his quad muscle is too powerful and is causing an imbalance in his muscle system. When a muscle doesn't have a neutralizing force on the other end, you begin to add extra stress onto San Francisco 49ers jersey
the tendons and other important structures and in this case, that is the knee. But thats beside the point.Greg Oden is the person of quality that every NBA team wants.Past injury issues aside, Greg Oden will be a dominant center.Rip city will have to be patient.But that will be easy since he has the kind heart and loving personality that Portland adores.Get better, Greg.
12 Jan 11 West's Legal Situation Is Cause For Concern
Doug Pensinger/Getty ImagesAs of today, the Cavs sit atop the Eastern Conference at 37-11. They are now a full 5.5 games up on the surging Hawks and six games up on the aging Celtics. They own the tie-breaker against the Lakers should they meet in the Finals as a result of their series sweep this year. Additionally, they are currently on a seven-game winning streak, all without D Weezy and Mo-Gotti running the point (and forcing Cavs fans to have to watch Boobie Gibson bring the ball up the court; always an adventure). The media is beginning to hop on the Cleveland Browns jersey
bandwagon as well.Yet I still am not convinced that this team has what it takes to win it all. Maybe it's my inner Cleveland shining through, the pessimism that continually plagues fans of any of the Cleve's professional teams; just waiting to get punched in the gut yet again, the only surprise being how it will come. And yet my uneasiness has nothing to do with JJ Hickson or the four spot, the alleged inability to guard stretch fours, or the offense's tendency to go into full blown Witness mode and watch LeBron try to score one-on-five. My concern lies with Delonte West's legal situation and the effect this will have on the team.This week, and as expected, West's lawyers were able to get a continuance and move his trial date to April. The reality is this case will never see the courtroom as West will plea bargain to a lower charge.In the meantime, both sides will continue to negotiate, a process I fully expect to run until April. Delonte will not receive jail time for the misdemeanors he is charged with, and I fully expect him to receive probation as well as to have to pay some sort of Dallas Cowboys jersey
fine. The real worry is what the Commish decides to do.David Stern is a calculating man, and as evidenced by his actions with the Arenas situation, he will not make a decision until the legal aspect of this case plays out. After it's resolved, Stern will then suspend West. Further, Given the leagues painful insecurity with all things gun and gang related, West could receive a long suspension.One caveat: The Commish came down so hard on Arenas for bringing guns into the "NBA workplace." The hope is because West's transgression took place out on the open road (literally) the suspension won't be as stringent.The timing of this is important because if West is not suspended until April-May, he could miss the start of the playoffs. The Cavs backcourt is thin as is, and West is arguably the second best guard on the team. His defense and intangibles are going to be important come playoff time. Without him, the Cavs will have to rely on Boobie Gibson, a lights out shooter, but really a one trick pony.Ask yourself this: Do you feel comfortable having Daniel Gibson as the top guard off the bench? I didn't think so.Unfortunately, the Cavs front office may have to take West's pending suspension into consideration as they look to improve the team at trade deadline. Do they take a chance and grab a stretch four, hoping West either won't be Denver Broncos jersey
suspended, or will be back in time for the playoffs?Or do they go after some insurance if/when West is suspended? The hope is the Cavs don't risk it and don't stand pat, and get another guard as insurance for West's looming suspension.Either way, Delonte's Mad Max impression back in the summer is looming large over the Cavs title aspirations.
bandwagon as well.Yet I still am not convinced that this team has what it takes to win it all. Maybe it's my inner Cleveland shining through, the pessimism that continually plagues fans of any of the Cleve's professional teams; just waiting to get punched in the gut yet again, the only surprise being how it will come. And yet my uneasiness has nothing to do with JJ Hickson or the four spot, the alleged inability to guard stretch fours, or the offense's tendency to go into full blown Witness mode and watch LeBron try to score one-on-five. My concern lies with Delonte West's legal situation and the effect this will have on the team.This week, and as expected, West's lawyers were able to get a continuance and move his trial date to April. The reality is this case will never see the courtroom as West will plea bargain to a lower charge.In the meantime, both sides will continue to negotiate, a process I fully expect to run until April. Delonte will not receive jail time for the misdemeanors he is charged with, and I fully expect him to receive probation as well as to have to pay some sort of Dallas Cowboys jersey
fine. The real worry is what the Commish decides to do.David Stern is a calculating man, and as evidenced by his actions with the Arenas situation, he will not make a decision until the legal aspect of this case plays out. After it's resolved, Stern will then suspend West. Further, Given the leagues painful insecurity with all things gun and gang related, West could receive a long suspension.One caveat: The Commish came down so hard on Arenas for bringing guns into the "NBA workplace." The hope is because West's transgression took place out on the open road (literally) the suspension won't be as stringent.The timing of this is important because if West is not suspended until April-May, he could miss the start of the playoffs. The Cavs backcourt is thin as is, and West is arguably the second best guard on the team. His defense and intangibles are going to be important come playoff time. Without him, the Cavs will have to rely on Boobie Gibson, a lights out shooter, but really a one trick pony.Ask yourself this: Do you feel comfortable having Daniel Gibson as the top guard off the bench? I didn't think so.Unfortunately, the Cavs front office may have to take West's pending suspension into consideration as they look to improve the team at trade deadline. Do they take a chance and grab a stretch four, hoping West either won't be Denver Broncos jersey
suspended, or will be back in time for the playoffs?Or do they go after some insurance if/when West is suspended? The hope is the Cavs don't risk it and don't stand pat, and get another guard as insurance for West's looming suspension.Either way, Delonte's Mad Max impression back in the summer is looming large over the Cavs title aspirations.
10 Jan 11 L.A. Sparks Clearing Cap Space, Making a Play For LeBron (Satire)
Jim McIsaac/Getty ImagesWith the All-Star break having come and gone, it's a good time to reflect on the disaster that is the 2009-10 New Jersey Nets season.Simply put, this is going to be a no-holds-barred grading session. Let's start from the inside out.Brook Lopez: B+Lopez is the only player who deserves a decent grade. He leads the Nets in points. rebounds. and blocks. He is shooting over 50 percent and been New Jersey's most consistent player. While he is probably not a true franchise player, he is absolutely a building block.About Lopez's only Reebok Chicago Bears #54 Brian Urlacher Realtree camo Jersey
fault this year is that he has not player his best when going up against big (as in size) opponents. He does need to do a better job of setting up low in the post so that he does not have to work as hard once he gets the ball in the post.Yi Jianlian: DYi is playing smarter yet worse overall. He still has trouble finishing in the paint. He is blocking more shots, but it is at the cost of playing worse on the ball defense.The improvement in his numbers is almost entirely related to increased playing time. However, he once again has been hurt and is not a reliable player.Basically, he is too robotic and lacks the necessary efficiency in his body movements to excel on the NBA level. The Nets would be wise to cut their losses with Yi and look for a new power forward. Better yet, they should give more time to his backups.Kris Humphries: C+With the Nets, Humphries has shown some ability. In 23 minutes, he is averaging 10.1 points and 7.3 rebounds. By way of comparison, Yi is averaging 12.8 points and 6.9 rebounds in 32 minutes. Humphries is the better player and should be the starter.Humphries is a natural rebounder and much more athletic than any of the other power forwards on the roster. He is willing to do the dirty work and is a much better fit next to Lopez.Josh Boone: C-Boone can rebound OK and sets a good pick. He does not play good defense, though, as he lacks lateral quickness. Also, he can't shoot. In general, he should have become Dale Davis, but he's not even as good as Chris Wilcox. He is another waste of space. However, since not much was expected, it is hard to be too critical.Chris Douglas-Roberts: CHe mostly plays hard but has been a disappointment. His lack of a consistent jump shot has held him back, and he lacks the size and quickness to effectively guard most small forwards.He was expected to be the Net who could create his own shot from the wing. However, that ability has not emerged. He is still young and probably needs more time to develop, but he is best served in his current role as a sixth man. Unfortunately, the Nets lack a true starting-caliber small forward.Terrence Williams: FHe should be the starting small forward, but his poor play has been so poor that he is dangerously near "bust" status. He can't shoot but takes mostly jump shots. He can handle the ball well but forgets to focus on creating for teammates. He is very athletic, but his defense is poor because he is frequently out of position.Jarvis Hayes: CHayes is exactly what he isa replacement-level player. Ideally, he would be the solid veteran off the bench. However, the poor play of CDR and Williams has forced the Nets to put Hayes into the starting lineup. It is a shame that injuries have ruined his athleticism, because he is a very smart player.Trenton Hassell: B-He is a smart, heady player who plays below the rim. He's also a tough and physical defender, but he is a poor shooter, so he hurts the team on offense if he has to shoot beyond 16 feet.Since Hayes has more range, he plays more since Hassell fills a similar role. He could help Reebok Chicago Bears #6 Jay Cutler Realtree camo Jersey
a contender that already has plenty of scoring. On this team, his skills are wasted. He gets the second-best grade on this team for playing hard every time he gets the chance and always playing within himself.Courtney Lee: DHe was supposed to be the rough perimeter defender who would knock down the open jump shots created by Harris and Lopez. Instead, his defense has been inconsistent and he seems to have forgotten how to shoot. He is shooting 29.6 percent from three-point range, which is horrible for a player who supposedly can shoot.He often makes the wrong reads on defense and leaves his man open on doubles. The biggest reason the Nets are this bad is that they traded Vince Carter for Lee. Carter may be having a poor year, but he is still light years more dangerous a player.Devin Harris: C-Injuries are the biggest reason for his lack of success. He has lacked that explosive quickness that he showed last year. His shooting is down in all respects, and his defense has been spotty.He has started to play better recently, though, and he is still the Nets' second-best player. When he plays well, the Nets have a chance to win. If he plays poorly, the Nets have no chance.Keyon Dooling: CHe has been solid as a backup point guard. He has been decent as a shooter. He has been a decent defender. He has been a decent ball handler. Sadly, on this team, decent qualifies as good by comparison.Bobby Simmons: FWhat happened to the tough defender and solid jump shooter? When he was with the Clippers, he was a true pain to play. He always played hard and he earned everyone's respect. That player never showed up this year. He looks like he is going through the motions. The Nets should just cut him now and let someone who wants to prove he belongs to the team.Chris Quinn: DQuinn shoots the ball well from three-point range. However, he can't create and is a poor ball handler for a point guard. The best part of his game other than his shooting is that he still cares. That is not enough to get a better grade, but he is not a waste of roster space.Rafer Alston and Sean Williams: FBoth are gone, but both deserve some mention.Alston is perhaps as big a reason as to why the Nets started 0-18 and Lawrence Frank got fired. "Skip to My Lou" was expected to provide leadership and heady point guard play, and when Harris got hurt, Alston got major minutes. Instead, he stunk.He shot less than 40 percent, taking mostly stupid jump shots and missing layups. His defense was poor, as he took too many chances trying to go for steals instead of just staying in front of his man. If ever there was a player who deserved to get cut, it was Alston.Williams was a basketball knucklehead when he was drafted and he has remained a knucklehead. He actually tried hard, but he never seemed to understand Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
the offense or proper defensive rotations. He helped win an occasional game with his hustle and rebounding, but his negatives far outweighed his hustle since his hustle often led to him being out of position.If you could put Trenton Hassell's head in Williams' body, Williams would have been a superstar. There has never been a better description of the million-dollar body and the five-cent head.Right now, the Nets have only one player in the rotation who has been above average. Poor coaching has been a big part of this disaster, but the reality is that the Nets have only two decent players, and one of them (Harris) has been mostly hurt.There is no other grade for the Nets as a team other than a big "F."
fault this year is that he has not player his best when going up against big (as in size) opponents. He does need to do a better job of setting up low in the post so that he does not have to work as hard once he gets the ball in the post.Yi Jianlian: DYi is playing smarter yet worse overall. He still has trouble finishing in the paint. He is blocking more shots, but it is at the cost of playing worse on the ball defense.The improvement in his numbers is almost entirely related to increased playing time. However, he once again has been hurt and is not a reliable player.Basically, he is too robotic and lacks the necessary efficiency in his body movements to excel on the NBA level. The Nets would be wise to cut their losses with Yi and look for a new power forward. Better yet, they should give more time to his backups.Kris Humphries: C+With the Nets, Humphries has shown some ability. In 23 minutes, he is averaging 10.1 points and 7.3 rebounds. By way of comparison, Yi is averaging 12.8 points and 6.9 rebounds in 32 minutes. Humphries is the better player and should be the starter.Humphries is a natural rebounder and much more athletic than any of the other power forwards on the roster. He is willing to do the dirty work and is a much better fit next to Lopez.Josh Boone: C-Boone can rebound OK and sets a good pick. He does not play good defense, though, as he lacks lateral quickness. Also, he can't shoot. In general, he should have become Dale Davis, but he's not even as good as Chris Wilcox. He is another waste of space. However, since not much was expected, it is hard to be too critical.Chris Douglas-Roberts: CHe mostly plays hard but has been a disappointment. His lack of a consistent jump shot has held him back, and he lacks the size and quickness to effectively guard most small forwards.He was expected to be the Net who could create his own shot from the wing. However, that ability has not emerged. He is still young and probably needs more time to develop, but he is best served in his current role as a sixth man. Unfortunately, the Nets lack a true starting-caliber small forward.Terrence Williams: FHe should be the starting small forward, but his poor play has been so poor that he is dangerously near "bust" status. He can't shoot but takes mostly jump shots. He can handle the ball well but forgets to focus on creating for teammates. He is very athletic, but his defense is poor because he is frequently out of position.Jarvis Hayes: CHayes is exactly what he isa replacement-level player. Ideally, he would be the solid veteran off the bench. However, the poor play of CDR and Williams has forced the Nets to put Hayes into the starting lineup. It is a shame that injuries have ruined his athleticism, because he is a very smart player.Trenton Hassell: B-He is a smart, heady player who plays below the rim. He's also a tough and physical defender, but he is a poor shooter, so he hurts the team on offense if he has to shoot beyond 16 feet.Since Hayes has more range, he plays more since Hassell fills a similar role. He could help Reebok Chicago Bears #6 Jay Cutler Realtree camo Jersey
a contender that already has plenty of scoring. On this team, his skills are wasted. He gets the second-best grade on this team for playing hard every time he gets the chance and always playing within himself.Courtney Lee: DHe was supposed to be the rough perimeter defender who would knock down the open jump shots created by Harris and Lopez. Instead, his defense has been inconsistent and he seems to have forgotten how to shoot. He is shooting 29.6 percent from three-point range, which is horrible for a player who supposedly can shoot.He often makes the wrong reads on defense and leaves his man open on doubles. The biggest reason the Nets are this bad is that they traded Vince Carter for Lee. Carter may be having a poor year, but he is still light years more dangerous a player.Devin Harris: C-Injuries are the biggest reason for his lack of success. He has lacked that explosive quickness that he showed last year. His shooting is down in all respects, and his defense has been spotty.He has started to play better recently, though, and he is still the Nets' second-best player. When he plays well, the Nets have a chance to win. If he plays poorly, the Nets have no chance.Keyon Dooling: CHe has been solid as a backup point guard. He has been decent as a shooter. He has been a decent defender. He has been a decent ball handler. Sadly, on this team, decent qualifies as good by comparison.Bobby Simmons: FWhat happened to the tough defender and solid jump shooter? When he was with the Clippers, he was a true pain to play. He always played hard and he earned everyone's respect. That player never showed up this year. He looks like he is going through the motions. The Nets should just cut him now and let someone who wants to prove he belongs to the team.Chris Quinn: DQuinn shoots the ball well from three-point range. However, he can't create and is a poor ball handler for a point guard. The best part of his game other than his shooting is that he still cares. That is not enough to get a better grade, but he is not a waste of roster space.Rafer Alston and Sean Williams: FBoth are gone, but both deserve some mention.Alston is perhaps as big a reason as to why the Nets started 0-18 and Lawrence Frank got fired. "Skip to My Lou" was expected to provide leadership and heady point guard play, and when Harris got hurt, Alston got major minutes. Instead, he stunk.He shot less than 40 percent, taking mostly stupid jump shots and missing layups. His defense was poor, as he took too many chances trying to go for steals instead of just staying in front of his man. If ever there was a player who deserved to get cut, it was Alston.Williams was a basketball knucklehead when he was drafted and he has remained a knucklehead. He actually tried hard, but he never seemed to understand Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
the offense or proper defensive rotations. He helped win an occasional game with his hustle and rebounding, but his negatives far outweighed his hustle since his hustle often led to him being out of position.If you could put Trenton Hassell's head in Williams' body, Williams would have been a superstar. There has never been a better description of the million-dollar body and the five-cent head.Right now, the Nets have only one player in the rotation who has been above average. Poor coaching has been a big part of this disaster, but the reality is that the Nets have only two decent players, and one of them (Harris) has been mostly hurt.There is no other grade for the Nets as a team other than a big "F."
9 Jan 11 Uncontested Shots: Lakers News, Notes, and Observations Heading Into March
Jeff Gross/Getty ImagesAs the NBA regular season begins its final full month of action, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.While the top seeds in each conferences seem to be locked up by the Lakers and Cavaliers, the 14 other playoff seeds, as well as home-court advantage throughout the playoffs, are up in the air.In the aftermath of the Lakers' come-from-behind victory over the Nuggets on Sunday night, I figured now would be a good time for my latest round of Uncontested Shots.Without further ado.... More Rumors Regarding Buffalo Bills jersey
LeBron to the LakersHoopsHype columnist and well-respected NBA writer/historian Roland Lazenby wrote a post on his blog on Sunday stating that LeBron James is, "quietly making overtures to the Los Angeles Lakers," based on knowledge from an "unimpeachable" source.Understand that Lazenby's post should be taken a lot more serious than the one that Bulls.com writer, Sam Smith wrote back in November .While Smith's article was mostly written on a hunch, Lazenby's comes from a "well-connected agent."There are a few things that need to be considered. First and foremost, I don't think LeBron is leaving Cleveland. So before any Cavs fans start writing me hate messages, this is really for me to explain how the move would be possible, and not why it's probable.Personally, I think LeBron will sign a three or four-year extension, and explore free agency in a few years when he's still only 28 or 29.My first instinct was that the rumor had been put out by the Lakers as an attempt to expedite Kobe's extension—something that was once considered a foregone conclusion, but now raises questions with each day it remains unsigned.The idea being that if Kobe isn't interested in signing an extension this season and decides to opt out of the final year on his current deal, he runs the risk of the Lakers turning their attention to LeBron. Isn't that exactly what the Lakers did when they turned their attention to Ron Artest once Trevor Ariza's agent turned down their initial offer?The largest obstacle standing in the way of LeBron joining the Lakers is their salary cap next season, even without Kobe's contract. So unless LeBron decided to play for the mid-level exemption, there's no way they could match the type of offers that LeBron will get from the Cavs, Knicks, Bulls, or any other team with significant cap space this summer.There is always the possibility that the Lakers and Cavs could pull off a sign-and-trade.One school of thought says that if LeBron was intent on leaving Cleveland, the Cavs wouldn't help accommodate him with a sign-and-trade—preferring to watch him lose out on millions by leaving.The other side of that argument is that the Cavs are currently committed to Antawn Jamison, Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, and Daniel Gibson for at least the next two seasons and might prefer to at least get something of value in return if LeBron is indeed intent on leaving.It's not as if the Cavs would have much cap space to add a quality player if LeBron decided to leave via free agency. It would be in their best interest to at least acquire an asset or two to remain competitive and rebuild in the aftermath of his departure.If you were a Cavs fan and LeBron was dead set on leaving, would you rather his wallet suffer and receive nothing in return, or see your team acquire Andrew Bynum, and either Lamar Odom or Ron Artest?If the Cavs weren't willing to trade him away, the only way he could join the Lakers would be by accepting the mid-level exemption for three years before the Lakers would own his Bird Rights, aCarolina Panthers jersey
nd be able to reward him with a new contract.Considering the NBA's current collective bargaining agreement is set to expire after next season, there's no guarantee that would still be a possibility with the new CBA.Again, I'm not suggesting this as a real possibility so much as it is an explanation of how it could happen.In other words, it's unlikely but not impossible.?In Defense of Lakers FansI've been a Lakers season-ticket holder for 21 years. I've heard every joke about Laker fans being fakes and phonies, arriving late to games just to leave early.I'll never defend the lame taco promotion that's done nothing to change the perception of Laker fans. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, there's a promotion at every home game where every fan receives a coupon for two free tacos if the Lakers win and hold their opponents under 100 points.As a result, many Lakers fans seem to get a kick out of chanting "We want tacos!" the moment they realize it's within reach.Consider that the average cost of a Lakers ticket is $107, and the cost of two tacos at Jack In The Box is 99 cents.I can't get over the fact that these people go berserk over free tacos when 99 percent of them have enough change in their car's ashtray to afford not one, but two of these greasy colon-cloggers.Let's also not forget that this is Los Angeles we're talking about. A city that's home to better Mexican restaurants and taco stands than even Tijuana or Cancún, and yet it's the tacos from a San Diego-based fast-food chain that causes them to turn into four-year-olds.I can't tell you how embarrassing it was during the Lakers game on Feb. 16 against Golden State when Laker fans began chanting for tacos as Stephen Curry made a layup with 1:31 left in the game and the Lakers only up by five points.A two-possession game and instead of "Defense!" chants they were chanting for freakin' tacos!I just want people to know that I can be as critical, if not more so, than those complaining about what happened on Sunday afternoon at Staples Center.There was much criticism on the Internet regarding the Laker fans' booing of the team's first-half performance.I wasn't at Sunday's game but I've been to a number of games where fans have booed the home team—including the game in which Kobe scored 81 points, and Game 7 against Portland in the 2000 Western Conference Finals.These critics need to understand the difference between booing performance and booing effort.If a team is giving their all and shots just aren't falling, then booing is totally unacceptable. If a team is showing a lack of passion and effort in a game that many labeled a "must win," then in my opinion, it's completely acceptable given the average cost of a ticket.There's no doubt about it: Laker fans are spoiled. Where fans in Portland or Chicago Bears jersey
Cleveland consider it their duty to inspire their team from the get-go, Laker fans rely on the team's effort to give them a reason to cheer.See the difference?I'm not excusing their behavior as much as I am explaining it.Laker fans have a standard by which they measure a team's greatness that is unlike any other team in the league, and I don't even think reading my article helps explain what I'm talking about.Anything less than that type of effort is completely unacceptable.The fact that the Trail Blazers haven't won a championship since 1977, and the Cavaliers have never won one might explain why their fans are so passionate. No matter how passionate Laker fans might be, it's impossible for them to pretend to mimic the voice and passion of a fan base as desperate for a championship as those in Portland and Cleveland.The fact that the Lakers came out for the second half with a vengeance gave their fans a reason to cheer and they responded.There were some fans and beat writers in Portland who couldn't understand how the Blazers and Lakers tied for third in a survey that asked the league's general managers, "Which team has the best home court advantage?"Both teams received three out of a possible 29 votes (the Cavs finished first with 11, and Utah finished second with nine).Part of the reason the Lakers finished third was because tough teams would be hard to beat, even in an empty arena. But another reason, contrary to popular belief, is because the Staples Center can be an intimidating place for opponents when the building is as popping as it was during the second half of Sunday's game. How Will Shaq's Thumb Injury Factor in the Race For Home-Court Advantage?Even though the Lakers and Cavs are only separated by one game in the standings, the Cavs virtually have a two-game lead in light of the fact that they won both regular season meetings between the two.The Cavs are expected to be without O'Neal for the next eight weeks and won't be able to re-sign Zydrunas Ilgauskas until March 22.If that's the case, the Cavs can expect to be without Ilgauskas for the next 11 games.Lucky for them, there aren't many challenging games during that stretch.In fact, the entire month of March doesn't pose much of a challenge for the Cavs.With the exception of potential trap games at Milwaukee and at New Orleans, the only games that should worry Cavs fans are road games at Chicago and San Antonio, and a date at home with the Celtics (if you still consider them a challenge).While both teams have 22 games left heading into Monday night, the Lakers play 14 on the road while the Cavs only have 10 of those away from home.You could make the case that the Lakers have as many tough road games as the Cavs have total road games left.Of the Lakers' 14 remaining road games, they include matchups against Miami, Charlotte, Orlando, Phoenix, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Denver.That list doesn't include home games against San Antonio, Portland, and Utah.The Cavs' toughest remaining road games are against the Celtics, Bulls (twice), Hawks, Bucks, Hornets, and Spurs.Their toughest home games are against the Magic, Celtics, Spurs, Hawks, and Raptors.Make no mistake, even with Shaq's injury, the Cavs are still in the driver's seat to claim home court advantage should the two teams meet in the Finals. I Don't Know What To Make Of ItThe Lakers already have one fewer loss than they had all of last season. Of the Lakers' 16 losses last season, six came against teams that would end the season below .500.This season, the Lakers have only lost one game to a team that currently has a losing record—the Clippers on Jan. 6.While it's encouraging that they haven't suffered lapses against the league's worst teams, it can't be a good sign that Cincinnati Bengals jersey
they've struggled in the games against the league's best.Against the other nine teams that make up the league's top ten records, the Lakers have an unimpressive 10-9 record.The silver lining in their difficult remaining schedule is that they have a golden opportunity to silence critics with an impressive showing heading into the playoffs.In the meantime, critics and fans will continue doubting their ability to repeat.Considering how they've played in many of those tough games up until now, you can't really blame them for doing so.Andrew Ungvari is a Senior Writer and Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report.Follow him on twitter .
LeBron to the LakersHoopsHype columnist and well-respected NBA writer/historian Roland Lazenby wrote a post on his blog on Sunday stating that LeBron James is, "quietly making overtures to the Los Angeles Lakers," based on knowledge from an "unimpeachable" source.Understand that Lazenby's post should be taken a lot more serious than the one that Bulls.com writer, Sam Smith wrote back in November .While Smith's article was mostly written on a hunch, Lazenby's comes from a "well-connected agent."There are a few things that need to be considered. First and foremost, I don't think LeBron is leaving Cleveland. So before any Cavs fans start writing me hate messages, this is really for me to explain how the move would be possible, and not why it's probable.Personally, I think LeBron will sign a three or four-year extension, and explore free agency in a few years when he's still only 28 or 29.My first instinct was that the rumor had been put out by the Lakers as an attempt to expedite Kobe's extension—something that was once considered a foregone conclusion, but now raises questions with each day it remains unsigned.The idea being that if Kobe isn't interested in signing an extension this season and decides to opt out of the final year on his current deal, he runs the risk of the Lakers turning their attention to LeBron. Isn't that exactly what the Lakers did when they turned their attention to Ron Artest once Trevor Ariza's agent turned down their initial offer?The largest obstacle standing in the way of LeBron joining the Lakers is their salary cap next season, even without Kobe's contract. So unless LeBron decided to play for the mid-level exemption, there's no way they could match the type of offers that LeBron will get from the Cavs, Knicks, Bulls, or any other team with significant cap space this summer.There is always the possibility that the Lakers and Cavs could pull off a sign-and-trade.One school of thought says that if LeBron was intent on leaving Cleveland, the Cavs wouldn't help accommodate him with a sign-and-trade—preferring to watch him lose out on millions by leaving.The other side of that argument is that the Cavs are currently committed to Antawn Jamison, Mo Williams, Anderson Varejao, and Daniel Gibson for at least the next two seasons and might prefer to at least get something of value in return if LeBron is indeed intent on leaving.It's not as if the Cavs would have much cap space to add a quality player if LeBron decided to leave via free agency. It would be in their best interest to at least acquire an asset or two to remain competitive and rebuild in the aftermath of his departure.If you were a Cavs fan and LeBron was dead set on leaving, would you rather his wallet suffer and receive nothing in return, or see your team acquire Andrew Bynum, and either Lamar Odom or Ron Artest?If the Cavs weren't willing to trade him away, the only way he could join the Lakers would be by accepting the mid-level exemption for three years before the Lakers would own his Bird Rights, aCarolina Panthers jersey
nd be able to reward him with a new contract.Considering the NBA's current collective bargaining agreement is set to expire after next season, there's no guarantee that would still be a possibility with the new CBA.Again, I'm not suggesting this as a real possibility so much as it is an explanation of how it could happen.In other words, it's unlikely but not impossible.?In Defense of Lakers FansI've been a Lakers season-ticket holder for 21 years. I've heard every joke about Laker fans being fakes and phonies, arriving late to games just to leave early.I'll never defend the lame taco promotion that's done nothing to change the perception of Laker fans. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, there's a promotion at every home game where every fan receives a coupon for two free tacos if the Lakers win and hold their opponents under 100 points.As a result, many Lakers fans seem to get a kick out of chanting "We want tacos!" the moment they realize it's within reach.Consider that the average cost of a Lakers ticket is $107, and the cost of two tacos at Jack In The Box is 99 cents.I can't get over the fact that these people go berserk over free tacos when 99 percent of them have enough change in their car's ashtray to afford not one, but two of these greasy colon-cloggers.Let's also not forget that this is Los Angeles we're talking about. A city that's home to better Mexican restaurants and taco stands than even Tijuana or Cancún, and yet it's the tacos from a San Diego-based fast-food chain that causes them to turn into four-year-olds.I can't tell you how embarrassing it was during the Lakers game on Feb. 16 against Golden State when Laker fans began chanting for tacos as Stephen Curry made a layup with 1:31 left in the game and the Lakers only up by five points.A two-possession game and instead of "Defense!" chants they were chanting for freakin' tacos!I just want people to know that I can be as critical, if not more so, than those complaining about what happened on Sunday afternoon at Staples Center.There was much criticism on the Internet regarding the Laker fans' booing of the team's first-half performance.I wasn't at Sunday's game but I've been to a number of games where fans have booed the home team—including the game in which Kobe scored 81 points, and Game 7 against Portland in the 2000 Western Conference Finals.These critics need to understand the difference between booing performance and booing effort.If a team is giving their all and shots just aren't falling, then booing is totally unacceptable. If a team is showing a lack of passion and effort in a game that many labeled a "must win," then in my opinion, it's completely acceptable given the average cost of a ticket.There's no doubt about it: Laker fans are spoiled. Where fans in Portland or Chicago Bears jersey
Cleveland consider it their duty to inspire their team from the get-go, Laker fans rely on the team's effort to give them a reason to cheer.See the difference?I'm not excusing their behavior as much as I am explaining it.Laker fans have a standard by which they measure a team's greatness that is unlike any other team in the league, and I don't even think reading my article helps explain what I'm talking about.Anything less than that type of effort is completely unacceptable.The fact that the Trail Blazers haven't won a championship since 1977, and the Cavaliers have never won one might explain why their fans are so passionate. No matter how passionate Laker fans might be, it's impossible for them to pretend to mimic the voice and passion of a fan base as desperate for a championship as those in Portland and Cleveland.The fact that the Lakers came out for the second half with a vengeance gave their fans a reason to cheer and they responded.There were some fans and beat writers in Portland who couldn't understand how the Blazers and Lakers tied for third in a survey that asked the league's general managers, "Which team has the best home court advantage?"Both teams received three out of a possible 29 votes (the Cavs finished first with 11, and Utah finished second with nine).Part of the reason the Lakers finished third was because tough teams would be hard to beat, even in an empty arena. But another reason, contrary to popular belief, is because the Staples Center can be an intimidating place for opponents when the building is as popping as it was during the second half of Sunday's game. How Will Shaq's Thumb Injury Factor in the Race For Home-Court Advantage?Even though the Lakers and Cavs are only separated by one game in the standings, the Cavs virtually have a two-game lead in light of the fact that they won both regular season meetings between the two.The Cavs are expected to be without O'Neal for the next eight weeks and won't be able to re-sign Zydrunas Ilgauskas until March 22.If that's the case, the Cavs can expect to be without Ilgauskas for the next 11 games.Lucky for them, there aren't many challenging games during that stretch.In fact, the entire month of March doesn't pose much of a challenge for the Cavs.With the exception of potential trap games at Milwaukee and at New Orleans, the only games that should worry Cavs fans are road games at Chicago and San Antonio, and a date at home with the Celtics (if you still consider them a challenge).While both teams have 22 games left heading into Monday night, the Lakers play 14 on the road while the Cavs only have 10 of those away from home.You could make the case that the Lakers have as many tough road games as the Cavs have total road games left.Of the Lakers' 14 remaining road games, they include matchups against Miami, Charlotte, Orlando, Phoenix, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, and Denver.That list doesn't include home games against San Antonio, Portland, and Utah.The Cavs' toughest remaining road games are against the Celtics, Bulls (twice), Hawks, Bucks, Hornets, and Spurs.Their toughest home games are against the Magic, Celtics, Spurs, Hawks, and Raptors.Make no mistake, even with Shaq's injury, the Cavs are still in the driver's seat to claim home court advantage should the two teams meet in the Finals. I Don't Know What To Make Of ItThe Lakers already have one fewer loss than they had all of last season. Of the Lakers' 16 losses last season, six came against teams that would end the season below .500.This season, the Lakers have only lost one game to a team that currently has a losing record—the Clippers on Jan. 6.While it's encouraging that they haven't suffered lapses against the league's worst teams, it can't be a good sign that Cincinnati Bengals jersey
they've struggled in the games against the league's best.Against the other nine teams that make up the league's top ten records, the Lakers have an unimpressive 10-9 record.The silver lining in their difficult remaining schedule is that they have a golden opportunity to silence critics with an impressive showing heading into the playoffs.In the meantime, critics and fans will continue doubting their ability to repeat.Considering how they've played in many of those tough games up until now, you can't really blame them for doing so.Andrew Ungvari is a Senior Writer and Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report.Follow him on twitter .
8 Jan 11 Keys to the Wolf Den: Positives from the Minnesota Timberwolves Season
Christian Petersen/Getty Images(long sigh...)Ok, this season is filled with losses, lost effort, horrible defense, and poor offensive execution.What is there to take positive from this season?David Kahn, the Minnesota Timberwolves proved one thing, he means what he says.Although all the offers, David Kahn has kept his Cincinnati Bengals jersey
word by not trading any of his core players, and using this season to evaluate the players that he has before trading them.While David Kahn has evaluated his players, I as a Wolves fan/writer has done the same thing, and I've come up with some positive things to take into next season.First off, the basics:Lottery pick (1-4), the 17th pick, and the 24th pick for the 2010 NBA draft. The 14th and 16th pick in the second round. Kevin Love, Corey Brewer and Wayne Ellington all made significant strides. Cap space. Nikola Pekovic. Known as possibly the best Euro center is ready to come to the Timberwolves.Let's get into some detailed positives:Corey Brewer's dunk over Derek Fisher , and his dunk over Robin Lopez. Corey Brewer's 33 straight consecutive games with at least one three-point shot and counting. Cleveland Browns jersey
Wayne Ellington's efficiency. In Oct and Nov, Ellington shot 30 percent from the field, and 26 percent from the three-point line. In February and March, Ellington is shooting 48 percent from the field and close to 60 percent from the three-point line. Wayne Ellington is going to be a sharpshooting role player. Al Jefferson passing out of the double team, and tying his career high 6 assists in a game. Jonny Flynn can score the basketball despite his size. Kevin Love rebounding the basketball with the best in the league and showing the edge to score from anywhere on the court. Kevin Love's outlet passing has become a signature dish. Corey Brewer's potential doubled on this season's flashes alone. Ryan Hollins posterizes Andray Blatche , and everyone else in the league. Corey Brewer's buzzer beater and Dallas Cowboys jersey
this one also, not too shabby . Darko Millicic showing some insight as to how the Wolves should go in drafting or signing a center. Victories over the Denver Nuggets and Utah Jazz away from home.Did I miss any?Thanks for reading!P.S- This team would love Evan Turner and Hassan Whiteside right now.
word by not trading any of his core players, and using this season to evaluate the players that he has before trading them.While David Kahn has evaluated his players, I as a Wolves fan/writer has done the same thing, and I've come up with some positive things to take into next season.First off, the basics:Lottery pick (1-4), the 17th pick, and the 24th pick for the 2010 NBA draft. The 14th and 16th pick in the second round. Kevin Love, Corey Brewer and Wayne Ellington all made significant strides. Cap space. Nikola Pekovic. Known as possibly the best Euro center is ready to come to the Timberwolves.Let's get into some detailed positives:Corey Brewer's dunk over Derek Fisher , and his dunk over Robin Lopez. Corey Brewer's 33 straight consecutive games with at least one three-point shot and counting. Cleveland Browns jersey
Wayne Ellington's efficiency. In Oct and Nov, Ellington shot 30 percent from the field, and 26 percent from the three-point line. In February and March, Ellington is shooting 48 percent from the field and close to 60 percent from the three-point line. Wayne Ellington is going to be a sharpshooting role player. Al Jefferson passing out of the double team, and tying his career high 6 assists in a game. Jonny Flynn can score the basketball despite his size. Kevin Love rebounding the basketball with the best in the league and showing the edge to score from anywhere on the court. Kevin Love's outlet passing has become a signature dish. Corey Brewer's potential doubled on this season's flashes alone. Ryan Hollins posterizes Andray Blatche , and everyone else in the league. Corey Brewer's buzzer beater and Dallas Cowboys jersey
this one also, not too shabby . Darko Millicic showing some insight as to how the Wolves should go in drafting or signing a center. Victories over the Denver Nuggets and Utah Jazz away from home.Did I miss any?Thanks for reading!P.S- This team would love Evan Turner and Hassan Whiteside right now.
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