s with the Year-7 campaign due to an inaccurate date displayed on the Memphis Stele. This version also assumes that the first campaign on the Karnak Stele, the campaigns described on the Elephantine and Amada Stelae, and the first campaign on the Memphis Stele, all refer to the same event. However, it purports that the Amada and Elephantine Stelae correctly date the “first victorious campaign” to Year 3, while the Memphis Stele displays a wrongly-reconstructed date etched onto it by a 19th Dynasty stelae-restoration crew that attempted to repair the damage it suffered during the Amarna Age. Vandersleyen observes that “the Memphis date is on the part of the memorial that was seriously damaged in the Amarna Age; the date that we read today is the result of Rameside restoration.”100 He concludes, “Thus the initial date of Year 7 on the Memphis Stele is a[n inaccurate] restoration made by the Ramesides.”101f. Conclusion for the Number of Asiatic Campaigns.Both variations of the three-campaign theory proved to be weak and indefensible. Vandersleyen perceptively notes, “The simplest and most logical solution is that there was only one ‘first campaign,’ . . . more plausibly in Year 3 than in Year 7.”102 Therefore, based on the strong likelihood of a singular error on the Memphis Stele—due to inaccurate restoration by Ramesside craftsmen—as the best explanation to harmonize the conflicting evidence on the stelae, the two-campaign theory is preferred. The Elephantine Stele, whose events are set in Takhsi,103 even provides a terminus ad quem for the first campaign, as line 26 dates the stele to Year 4. “It is only reasonable to conclude that the events including the Takhsi campaign recounted in the text before this postscript are earlier than Year 4. Thus there is no reason to deny the clear implication of the text that the expedition against Takhsi transpired before [the end of] Year 3.”104 Also supporting the view that the Memphis Stele’s first campaign was waged in Year 3, and not in Year 7, is the evidence from Amenhotep II’s cupbearer. During Year 4, the cupbearer Minmès remarks that a stele was built for pharaoh in Naharin, located to the east of the Euphrates River, the inscription of which confirms that the first Asiatic campaign occurred before Year 4 ended.1054. The First Asiatic Campaign of Amenhotep II.For the sake of brevity, Amenhotep II’s first campaign will be referred to as A1, while his second campaign will be called A2. As was proven already, he launched A1 in Year 3, and the events surrounding this campaign can be dated chronologically in the following sequence: (1) Thutmose III died on ca. 22 March 1452 BC; (2) Amenhotep II presided over the funeral and was confirmed as sole ruler; (3) the Syro-Palestinian city-states rebelled after hearing of Thutmose III’s death; (4) Amenhotep II assembled his army from throughout Egypt and the nearby garrisoned cities; and (5) Amenhotep II launched A1, arriving at his first destination on ca. 15 May 1452 BC.The death of Thutmose III led to a massive revolt in his Syro-Palestinian territories, which propelled the launching of A1.106 Amenhotep II officiated at his father’s funeral as the “new Horus,” as Thutmose III was buried on the west bank of the Nile River at Waset, in his elevated, cliff-cut “mansion of eternity.”107 His presence at the funeral, combined with the nearly two-month gap between his father’s death and the army’s arrival at their first destination, dispels the notion that he was already engaged in A1 when his father died. The energetic son of Egypt’s greatest imperialist wasted no time, as he probably left Egypt in April of ca. 1452 BC, just as his father had done on his first Asiatic campaign, exactly 32 years prior. The undisputed epicenter of the rebellion was the coastal cities of Syria, the focal point of the discussion in The Annals of Amenhotep II. Undoubtedly, the coastal cities of Syria—and perhaps Palestine, as well—had rebelled, and hence the young pharaoh was forced to proceed by land in order to quell this revolt.1085. The Second Asiatic Campaign of Amenhotep II.Amenhotep II indisputably launched A2 in Year 9. If his reign began in ca. 1455 BC, which harmonizes with the Ebers Papyrus and the regnal lengths of the intervening pharaohs, his ninth year lasted from ca. 22 November 1447 – 22 November 1446 BC. Therefore, the exodus date of ca. 25 April 1446 BC should be placed within this particular regnal year, unless the Year-9 reading on the Memphis Stele is ever proven to be an inaccurate reconstruction also. Ancient sources and modern commentators both expend far less energy writing about A2 than they do about A1. Clearly A1 was launched to squelch a rebellion, but why did Amenhotep II embark on a second trip into Asia six years later? Two principal theories have been proposed to identify the occasion.a. The Second Asiatic Campaign Launched to Finish the Task of the First Campaign.The first theory for the motive of A2 is that it was launched to correct the shortcomings of A1.
According to Aharoni,The failure of the first campaign
may be inferred by Amenhotep II’s setting out two years later on a second campaign in order to put down revolts in the Sharon and in the Jezreel Valley.”109 Aharoni sees in A1 an excursion that never accomplished its primary mission: the conquest of Mitanni. Grimal concurs, noting that “these two campaigns were the last to pit Egypt against Mitanni.”110The first problem with this view is its dependence on the three-campaign theory, since Aharoni assumes that a Year-7 campaign was fought two years prior to the Year-9 campaign. However, there was no Year-7 campaign, as the “first campaign” of the Memphis Stele actually occurred in Year 3. Given the six-year gap between the two campaigns, the theory that A2 was launched to rectify the failures of A1 crumbles from within, due to the longevity of the interval. Of even greater weight, the failure of A1 would have resulted in another campaign directed principally into Syria, if not into Mitannian territory further to the north, not simply a brief raid into southern Palestine that accomplished little more than the acquisition of slaves and booty.b. The Second Asiatic Campaign Launched to Replenish Egypt after Their Losses.The second theory for the motive of A2 is that it was launched to replenish the Egyptian slave base and many of the valuable commodities that were lost when the Israelites plundered and fled Egypt. According to this theory, pharaoh’s motive is related to the exodus. If the exodus and Amenhotep II’s Year-9 campaign transpired in the same year, which is highly possible given the chronological harmonization demonstrated earlier, a brief campaign into southern Palestine to recover some of his critical losses would be both logical and expected. The feasibility of this theory will be determined by a study of the details related to A2.6. The Unique, Pre-Winter Launching of the Second Asiatic Campaign.The date of Year 9, Month 3, Season 1, Day 25 (or ca. 16 November 1446 BC) recorded on the Memphis Stele representRosetta Stone Chinese
extbook on the history of Israel and Judah, Miller and Hayes state: The Sodom and Gomorrah story reflects yet another motif pattern known from extrabi
ly Bronze sherds indicative of a settlement site (1974: 911). Unfortunately, in the years following their survey, homes have been constructed on the site and "subsequent visits have been unable to confirm the presence of a[n Early Bronze Age] town site" (Schaub 1992: 895). Less than a month of excavation was carried out at Feifa and Khanazir, 16 December 1989–13 January 1990. An enormous Early Bronze Age cemetery was found at Feifa by Rast and Schaub in 1973, as well as a fortified enclosure (1974: 11–12). Upon excavation, the enclosure turned out to be an Iron Age II (eighth century BC) fortress constructed over part of the Early Bronze Age cemetery (de Vries 1991: 262; MacDonald 1997: 65). At Khanazir, walls observed by Rast and Schaub in 1973 (1974: 12–14) were in reality rectangular structures marking Early Bronze IV shaft tombs (deVries 1991: 262; Rast 1992: 560; MacDonald 1997: 65; Schaub 1997b: 62). Even though the locations of three of the Cities of the Plain remain elusive, evidence is strong that the two most important, Sodom and Gomorrah, have been found. Map of the area south of the Dead Sea, showing theproposed locations of the Biblical Cities of the Plain.Identifying the Sites Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira are the only known inhabited towns in the region of the Dead Sea between ca. 3300 and 900 BC. Moreover, Bab edh-Dhra is the largest site from the pre-Hellenistic period in the area (Rast 1987b: 46). The conclusion that these sites are associated with the Cities of the Plain is inescapable (Rast 1987a: 190–94; 1992: 561).In determining which archaeological site should be identified with which Biblical place name, we begin with Zoar. Because Lot fled to Zoar to escape the catastrophe (Gn 19:21–23), the town was spared from God's judgment. From later references to Zoar in the prophecies against Moab (Is 15:5; Jer 48:34), we know that the town continued to exist. It is further mentioned in various ancient references from the Hellenistic period to the Middle Ages (Schaub 1997b: 63; Astour 1992; Howard 1988b). (4) The most important source for locating the site is the Madaba map, a mosaic map on the floor of a church Bab edh-Dhra—view east along the south wall. Note theproximity of the mountain in the background. The angels told Lot,"Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" (Gn 19:17).Bab edh-Dhra townsite and cemeteries. Although the northern wall was lost due to erosion, it is estimated that the size of the fortified area was 9–10 acres. There was occupation to the east, south and west of the city walls as well. The main burial area throughout the more than 1,000 year history of the town was Cemetery A to the southwest.in Madaba, Jordan, depicting Palestine in the sixth century. Zoar is shown on the southeast shore of the Dead Sea, just south of the Zared River (Wadi Hesa) (Donner 1992: 42, No. 18). This places ancient Zoar in the vicinity of modem Safi, although its exact location is not known at present (Schaub 1997b: 63–64).The Bible tells us that Lot and his daughters lived in a cave in the mountains near Zoar (Gn 19:30). At the edge of the mountains just to the east of Zoar, the Madaba Map depicts the Sanctuary of St. Lot, a church built in memory of Lot. H. Donner and E.A. Knauf discovered the ruins of the church in 1983 (Donner 1992: 42), although McDonald claims to have found the site in 1986 (Politis 1993: 338). Built in front of a cave thought to be where Lot and his daughters lived, the church is located 7 km (4 mi) northeast of Safi on the north bank of the Wadi Hesa. The earliest evidence of occupation at the site is from the Early Bronze Age. Since the other four cities are always mentioned in pairs—Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim—it is logical to presume that Sodom would have been located near Gomorrah and Admah near Zeboiim. Thus Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira should be identified with one of these pairs, but which one?Turning to the site to the north of Safi, Numeira, we can make a linguistic connection with one of the Cities of the Plain.
Many times ancient names are preserved in modem Arabic place names.
The consonants of the name Gomorrah are c (ayin) MR and the consonants of Numeira are N M R. The ancient and modem names match, except for the first letter. Initial laryngeals like the ayin in cMR were commonly lost or transformed in the process of time, or when they came over into other languages or dialects. In this case, it is possible that nasalization took place, so the ayin in Hebrew cMR became the N in Arabic NMR (Shea 1988: 17). Jericho has been called the lowest city in the world, being at an elevation of 220 m (720 ft) below sea level. Bab edh-Dhra is at about the same elevation. The title of the world's lowest city, however, must now go to Numeira since it is situated at 280–290 m (920–950 ft) below sea level.The site to the north of Numeira, Bab edh-Dhra, would then be Sodom. Since Bab edh-Dhra is the largest ancient ruin in the region it stands to reason that it should be identified as Sodom, the most famous of the Cities of the Plain. It was occupied throughout the Early Bronze Age forlearn french
Many times ancient names are preserved in modem Arabic place names.
The consonants of the name Gomorrah are c (ayin) MR and the consonants of Numeira are N M R. The ancient and modem names match, except for the first letter. Initial laryngeals like the ayin in cMR were commonly lost or transformed in the process of time, or when they came over into other languages or dialects. In this case, it is possible that nasalization took place, so the ayin in Hebrew cMR became the N in Arabic NMR (Shea 1988: 17). Jericho has been called the lowest city in the world, being at an elevation of 220 m (720 ft) below sea level. Bab edh-Dhra is at about the same elevation. The title of the world's lowest city, however, must now go to Numeira since it is situated at 280–290 m (920–950 ft) below sea level.The site to the north of Numeira, Bab edh-Dhra, would then be Sodom. Since Bab edh-Dhra is the largest ancient ruin in the region it stands to reason that it should be identified as Sodom, the most famous of the Cities of the Plain. It was occupied throughout the Early Bronze Age forlearn french
10 Mar 11 Leonardo DaVinci And Luca Pacioli: Accounting Systems
Leonardo DaVinci And Luca Pacioli: Accounting SystemsBy: marciano guerrero .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Luca Pacioli and Leonardo DaVinci --Renaissance men-- were both mathematical geniuses. Leonardo was more inclined towards military engineering, while Luca towards abstract and pure math. When Pacioli included "Double Entry Bookkeeping" in his textbook, Summa de Aritmetica, which he published in 1494, little did he know he would change the world.Gay Couples:Leonardo DaVinci and a monk named Luca Pacioli--the inventor of Accounting (debits and credits), lived together for many years. Luca's math textbook contained the basic notions that accountants follow today: Assets equal liabilities plus owner's equity (A=L + OE). Both being college professors traveled together and stayed together at different universities.Sigmund Freud-in his study on Leonardo's homosexuality- ignored this fact. It is a pity because Freud would have brought out factual evidence rather than wild speculations based on his psychoanalytic techniques. Leonardo, being much younger than Luca, has always been described as Luca's prot??g??.Today with time perspective we can understand they probably had a domestic partnership of sorts. In 1495 they lived together in Milan and Venice. Art Historians have well documented that Leonardo was summoned to court to address charges of homosexuality against him. But since the accuser did not show up, the charges were later dropped.The diagrams and figures one sees in Luca's Summa were DaVinci's drawings. They worked together as equal partners rather than the master-apprentice relations of the times.While Leonardo's acplishments have been well chronicled and documented in our times --even Bill Gates couldn't resist owning Leonardo's original manuscripts-- Luca's contributions are less known. Like our American poser Aaron Copland, I will play a fanfare for the mon man: Luca by his ingenious explanation of Double Entry Bookkeeping system made possible international merce; opening thus the flood-gates to what today we call "The Global Economy."Economic History:In more than ten thousand years of recorded history, no one in the human race had attempted to keep business records by double entry. The Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and other ancient civilizations recorded their transactions on a cash basis and by a single entry; that is, business people made lists of items purchased and sold.As a result, businesses remained small enterprises, doomed to remain small since the lack of an orderly system prevented growth. Whether in papyrus, sheep-skins parchments, or bricks, all business records were endless enumerations and catalogues, which offered little discernment into measurements of profit or loss.Luca Pacioli changed all that.Yes it was a leap of imagination to design Debits (left side) and credits (right side) as an information system. You write the assets on the left side of the equation, and the claims on those assets on right side.To think that a humble discovery such as double entry bookkeeping can change the destiny of the human race challenges credibility. But given that double entry allows not only for an orderly classification of accounts, journals, and ledgers, but also for measurements of liquidity and profitability, it isn't surprising to see that Capitalism bloomed.One can well imagine Luca and Leonardo discussing symmetries, contrasts, dichotomies, dualities, binary oppositions, polarities, antithesis, and other opposites: "Physical nature exhibits all these dualities: day and night, narrow and wide, fast and slow," Luca would say, "and human nature shows dualities, too." Leonardo would reply: "We carry good and evil, love and hatred, in our spirits and bodies--or as Heraclitus loved to say: "the way up is the way down, the narrow and the wide.""What about Ecclesiastes, Leonardo, -didn't he say...? a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot?"The observation of these doubles as a system of knowledge permitted Luca to expand it into the Accounting equation where what is on the left must equal what is on the right side (Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity). Later, accountants realized that another duality was needed: Revenues, which are increases in owner's equity, and Expenses decreases; the difference being no other than profits or losses.With debits and credits pretty much established as a system of order, writers such as Descartes, Cervantes, Shakespeare, and Dickens imposed it in literature and philosophy by means of antithesis. Descartes' cogito ergo sum-I think, therefore I am, is the synthesis of a duality: mind and body. In A Tale of Two Citites Dickens opens his novel with a detailed set of antitheses: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness..."Although philosophers such as Hegel and Karl Marx attempted to discard the duality system by replacing it with a triad: thesis, antithesis, synthesis. They failed; and we can understand why: Hegel professed the State's power, while Marx munism. By now we know the chaotic results of Nazism and munism.Accounting in the Global Economy: Improving MankindBillions of human beings have populated the earth, mostly living in the shadow of survival and mediocrity, the odd, the strange, and the eccentric are the ones who make the most invaluable contributions to the improvement of the human condition. Pacioli and DaVinci --two eccentrics-- did make tangible contributions to mankind.No longer were businesses confined within frontiers, as banks, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, and corporations, bartered, exchanged, and extracted profits across frontiers. The standardization of Financial Statements followed, so that Balance Sheets, Ine Statements, and Cash Flows are read and interpreted without major impediments all over Europe. The Double entry bookkeeping system is a triumph of the mind over the chaotic activities of humans engaged in trade.Not only did Double Entry brought forth a new economic system, but also the dawn of a new way of thinking: modernity. And modernity dispelled the mists of superstition, monsters, magic, witches, ogres, dwarfs, giants, miracles, chimeras, unicorns, centaurs, sirens, and other impossible figures of the supernatural. The middle ages and feudalism yielded to modern times.With capital formation in full thrust, the needed capital for factories became available, fostering thereby the advent of the European Industrial Revolution. By 1750 Europe was already industrialized, and by 1860 (after the Civil War) America became an industrial power.Pacioli's Legacy to Mankind:The natural tendency is duality as proved by the Second Law of thermodynamics: order and chaos (enthropy). Though Nature tends to chaos, human nature imposes order; the mind invents patterns of understanding.In economic systems where Capitalism prevails, businesses --being the major employers-- offer medical coverage and retirement plans; man and woman can now enjoy the latest technologies and thereby live longer and in better health.Luca Pacioli's legacy --accounting system of double entry-- to the business world is order. It contains: Balance, wholeness, and radiance, because his system dovetails with Democracy, with Freedom to the entrepreneur; a system that coincides with Adam Smith's pillars of capitalism: Laissez-faire (free market economy), petition (Invisible Hand), and the Division of labor (the innate human propensity that creates wealth for all).This is my fanfare to the mon man, the less known and unsung hero--Luca Pacioli.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryRetired. Former investment banker, Columbia University-educated, Vietnam Vet (67-68).For the writing techniques I use, see Mary Duffy's e-book: Sentence Openers.To read my book reviews of the Classics visit my blog: Writing To LiveNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, marciano guerreroRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? 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