
No Heisman winner for 2005

Cowboys jersey
After Reggie Bush decided to give back his Heisman Trophy, the Heisman Trophy Trust announced today there would be no winner for 2005. So that means runner-up Vince Young will not be given the trophy.
Here is the official statement from the football jerseys
Heisman Trust:
"The Heisman Trophy Trust is a charitable entity whose mission is to ensure the continuation and integrity of the Heisman Trophy; to foster a sense of community responsibility; and to help service the disadvantaged and afflicted youth of our country.
"The Trustees of the Trust have been monitoring the NCAA investigation of Reggie Bush and USC since first announced. We determined that no action was necessary by the Trust unless and until the NCAA acted and issued its report. Since the issuance of the NCAA decision vacating USC’s 2005 season and San Francisco 49ers jersey
declaring Reggie Bush an ineligible athlete, the Trustees have met, discussed and reviewed all information underlying this decision in an effort to exercise the due diligence and due process required of any decision regarding the awarding of the 2005 Heisman Trophy.
"We are very appreciative of the respect Reggie Bush demonstrated for the Heisman Trust, the whole Heisman fraternity and the continuing legacy of the Trophy in his public statement issued September 14, 2010. It was a difficult decision to return the Heisman Trophy and he exhibited great character in acknowledging his mistakes and accepting the consequences. We intend to explore further his offer to support jointly 'an educational program which will assist student athletes and their families' to avoid the pitfalls that plagued him during his college years as this is a part of our charitable mission as well.
"As a result of Reggie Bush's decision to forfeit his title as Buffalo Bills jersey
Heisman winner of 2005, the Trustees have determined that there will be no Heisman Trophy winner for the year 2005."

