
18 Dec 10 NFL: How Important Is the Bye Week, and Is It Fair To All?

Jed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesThe NFL isin thebusinessof high impact entertainment, but in order to doso the NFLmust keepit's players in tip top shape. Throughout the years theNFL has extended it's season to the point players only have six to ten weeks off before the next season starts.If your teamdoesn't Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
make it to the playoffs orSuper Bowl, the monthsof January and Februaryare the only down time that a player will have to himself before the next NFL season starts. If your team does make the playoffs orSuper Bowl youcan have as little as three weeks before your off seasonbegins. March isa big month in the NFL, it's the time that players report to begin off season workout.Off season workouts are the beginning of every NFL season andis the hardest and most important parts ofa season.It isa time that players strengthenand condition their bodies for the upcoming months of physical hell they are going to go through. When the season starts playerswant their bodiesto be able to handleany physical situationthat comes their way.During a NFL season players take ever little precaution they can to keep their body in playing form. Sometimes that means lowering the amount of weight that you lift in the weight room or just getting to bed early. Players take advantage of the down time between games so they can get as much Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
rest as they can. When the bi-week comes around coaches cut down practice time and give players two days off during the week so players have time to heal their wounds and rest their bodies.Jed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesThe bi-week is a very controversial subject between players because of its timing during the season. Some teams get the bi-week early in the year and others get it late. There is no way to please everyone when talking about the bi-week,if theNFLowner's union had it their way they would get ridof the bi-week all together giving the owners one more game to makemoney.The bi-week will be somethingin thepast beforelong, taking players off the field loses money for everyone except the players. In the next five years the 18 game schedule will be thenew faceof theNFL. Players cancomplain all they want, but the onlytrue drive of the NFL is making money and a 18game schedulemakes for a lot more money to be made. Unfortunately the best way to do that is to cut out the bi-week unless the NFL starts it's Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
season a lot earlier or runs the season much later into the following year.In the long run everyone is going to adapted to what ever the NFLthrows at us,simply because we all love the game of football so much. Players will keep playing and fans will keep selling out stadiums across the country no matter what.Jarrod Cooper8 year VeteranPlease Spay and Neuter you pets....

